Chapter 13

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The building we pull up to is huge. And I'm not talking about height.

This place could probably fit at least five of Alistair's houses side to side and still have room

Is… is this…. I haven't been to college in so long but….is this a campus?

There are other giants. They all look a bit older. Probably not as old as Alistair. Maybe closer to that one giant's age. What was his name? Jake?....Taylor?

No, wait, it was Tyler.

Most of them are minding their own business. There are little groups off to the sides, with some giants who nudge their friends and nod their heads in my direction as we pass. But the inside….

As soon as we head inside I tighten my grip on Alistair's fingers. The inside of the building is just brimming with giants. Most barely spared me a second glance.

One scuttled around me like I was a vicious looking dog.

It was a very long walk. Was it long because I haven't been outside in a while or was it because this was a giant building? Either way, my legs were starting to hurt and Alistair had to lift me into his arms and walk up two flights of stairs.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, he gets to what I'm guessing is a classroom. I'm set on a chair and given the command to stay. Not able to do much else, I simply look around.

The room looked like those ivy league college classrooms you see on tv. Only not as big. There were about five tables, each long enough to seat probably 11 giants comfortably and each raised a bit higher than the last. The ceiling was very high, even for a giant. The walls were beige, with posters of what looked like different terrains on the walls. Forests, deserts, a snowy mountain, and a canyon that looked strangely similar to the grand canyon.

Almost too similar….

I think Alistair sees me try to get down, because I’m given a sharp ‘Layla, stay’. I flop back with a sigh that makes my cheeks puff. I start kicking my legs, being careful not to kick the desk. That gets old pretty quickly. Bored, I put my hands on the desk and try to push the chair back. What I didn't expect was for the chair to swivel.


Slowly, I use the desk to turn myself. Then I push off for a little whirl, a smile starting to form on my face. There doesn't seem to be a limit to how far I can turn.

Alistair looks busy, setting something up in the corner. I recognize my blanket, some toys, along with some other things that are probably there to keep me occupied. And since he doesn't seem to be paying attention….

I yank on the desk, making everything spin as the chair swirls around. I put my knees to my chest on the next spin, and soon the room is nothing but a blur.

Until there's a figure standing in front of me. My spinning slows, and Alistair's hand stops it when I face him.

My face goes red. He probably didn't like that....

I look down. Here I am, acting like a child in front of a giant. But instead of scolding me, Alistair motions for me to hold onto the armrests. With furrowed eyebrows, I do. He pushes it slightly, and my eyes widen. Right as I tighten my grip, the giant pulls, sending me spinning again. It's not too fast, and as it begins to slow Alistair pushes the chair again, keeping me spinning until laughter bubbles out of me.

I slow to a stop, slightly dizzy but still laughing. God, I haven't laughed in….forever! It feels nice, despite my cheeks starting to hurt.

I look up and I notice Alistair smiling at me. He looks a bit surprised, too. But I don't give that much thought. His hands are coming down again, snaking under my arms and lifting me up to hold me on his hip. He hugs me to him, his head leaning against mine.


It makes my heart melt, feeling her tiny arms hugging me back. I’ve had Layla for about a week now, and I was so happy to hear her laugh. Humans did have different types of laughs, sometimes they’d laugh in response to panic or shock. But I was glad to see that this was a happy type of laugh.

I took Layla to the bathrooms once more before class was due to start. Students were already piling in, whispering about the set up in the corner. When I walked back in the room fell into a quiet hush. Barely sparing them a glance, I made my way back to my desk and set Layla down on her feet.

“Layla, sit.” She follows my pointing finger to her blanket and sits, looking at me with those wary eyes. “Stay.”

Still, I make a point to set a blanket down in the space under my desk. It was blocked off from everyone’s view except for mine and would serve as a hiding spot should Layla feel overwhelmed.

But I didn’t put any toys there. The goal was to have Layla acclimate to staying in one place while I worked. It wouldn’t help if her hiding place looked more fun than her corner.

After sending another smile to my pet, I turn to my class.

“Welcome back, everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful break?”

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