Chapter 12

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He's strange....

This whole situation was strange. But this, this was a new type of strange.

I didn't even want to tell him where it hurt. But the first day was always the most painful for me and I knew Alistair would pester until I told him. I just didn't have the energy for that right now.

He's nice.... Much nicer than anyone else I've met. No one was ever this kind to me on the first day, let alone offered to rub my back.

After the backrub Alistair had turned on the TV to a movie. It was animated, probably for kids, and had creatures that I'd never seen before. But the premise was simple; a stolen pet was trying to find its way back to its owner. I think....

Anywho, when the movie ended I kinda dozed off. The pain would just keep getting worse unless I took a nap. And now something was running down my cheek and there was a soft rumbling.

"Layla, wake up now. Come on...."

For a moment I debated shaking Alistair off and going back to sleep. But I wasn't in the mood to fight and maybe if I got up now I could sleep again later. So with a whine I slowly push myself to a seat, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. Alistair waits patiently, even helps me down the couch. He pats his leg and says 'follow' in a softer voice than usual.

But while he goes into the kitchen, I turn and mumble as I go down the hall to the bathroom. I think it surprised him, since by the time he caught up I had seated myself. And while he did have to take the pack out for me, for the most part he lets me move by myself.

Did...was he grossed out? And why does the thought make my heart hurt? He doesn't look grossed out. He just looks...proud?

As I walk towards the giant, Alistair crouches down, his hand raising to run against my cheek.

"Good girl, Layla."

My heart swells. Why did my heart swell? What...what the fuck was going on?

I can't ponder on it any longer. Alistair is standing again, patting his leg and looking back to make sure I'm following him.

I'm able to stomach a bit more than earlier. The soul sucking pain was now duller, only getting sharp if I twisted too fast.

I was planning on going back to sleep after lunch. But when I'm let down I find that I'm not as tired as usual. Not energetic by any means, but I feel a bit...restless?

Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you see it, Alistair didn't seem too keen on me going back to sleep. Instead, he picks me up easily and takes me to my room.

Today he dressed me himself. Usually I'm allowed to pick my own clothes, but Alistair just hushes me when I try. I don't complain. These clothes are comfortable.

This wasn't part of the routine. But maybe that's a good thing?

The table is too high for me to jump down comfortably, so for now I simply watch as Alistair runs about the room like a chicken. He's packing a bag. Two pairs of clothes, a smaller can of pellets, some blankets....

My questioning noises are ignored, and calling his name just gets me a stroke and a hush. On any other day I would've jumped down and walked out. But today I just go quiet.

Thankfully, he doesn't take too long after that. With one final lap he grabs the harness out of a drawer and walks to me.

Instead of putting me on the floor like I expect him to, I'm stood up on the table and told to 'stay'. I huff and roll my eyes, but Alistair ignores me, choosing instead to lay the harness over me and start strapping me in, turning me around to clip the straps to the ring on the back

Now, up until now I've been doing well with the harness. And no, I never thought I'd be saying that ever. But from the few times I've been fully strapped in, I've felt fine.

Yet today every tug of the straps to tighten the fit makes me more nervous. Every clink of the clips makes me fidget. And when he reaches between my legs to grab the final two straps, I jerk and let out an involuntary whimper.

And this finally makes him pause. He's a bit slower as he finishes up, but when he does he turns me back around slowly and pulls me into a hug.

"You're okay, it's okay. I'm sorry, Layla. Good girl. You're okay."

I let him have his moment. Frankly, I needed one as well. My breathing was a bit wobbly, and I can't help the shake in my voice.

"Where are we going?"

His breathy sigh tickles against my ear in a way that makes me stiffen. Strange.... His arms tighten for just a second, then loosen as he pulls away.

I can't understand some of his words. We are going to his....what? I try to repeat the word, but it doesn't sound right. I think I stretched it out too much. My butchery earns me a laugh.

"You will see."

He looks like he's about to say more as he looks me over. But he pauses in the middle, leaving me with a strange noise that I can't interpret. His eyes hover over one spot, his fingers coming up to graze the bandages on my neck.

It was scary the first time he changed them. I had tried to pull away and do it myself, only to receive a warning and feel those giant fingers snaking over me. After that I was able to sit still for the most part, other than my flinching and leaning away. Thankfully, Alistair was quick in his work and didn't let me panic for too long

However, I couldn't slow my breathing when he wrapped my neck again. I was allowed to keep my hands on his wrists, even though I doubt I could've pushed him away had he....

Anyway, now Alistair was tapping on his head right in front of his ear. I'm starting to understand that. He usually does it when he needs to tell me something important, or teach me something

"Layla. Listen. Don't touch."

And he's tapping on the bandages, making me shiver slightly. My eyebrows furrow. Yeah, you made that perfectly clear last time.

But no, he's taking off the collar and fiddling with the gauze, unwinding it. It's balled up and tossed into the trash. His hands brush against the back of my neck, making me tense and squirm a bit.

Then the collar is snapped back on. A hand snakes under my chin, gently forcing me to look up with my wide eyes.

"Don't touch."

It's a stern command this time, coupled with his other hand brushing against what I assume is my scar. I nod, just grateful to have my neck breathing again.

"Will not touch. Proahmise."

I butcher the pronunciation but Alistair still nods, brushing his thumb against my cheek. I get a praise, and finally, he moves to set me on the ground.

There's two bags by the door. Well, one looks more like a satchel than the patterned bag that has my stuff in it. Alistair easily lifts both with one arm, holding my hand with the other.

It's still eerie to me how the door locks by itself when we walk out. This door wasn't like the one for the fridge. It doesn't disappear to let us through. I wonder why they're different.

Maybe I can ask him when I know more. For now I'm quiet as he puts me in the car seat.

(I totally didn't forget about her bandages, no siree)

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