Supports - Petra/Laslow

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Supports - Petra/Laslow. C & B support


C support between Petra and Laslow. Location: Tea area (sorry forgot the name but to give you a better idea of it, it's at the bushes around the area where students are having tea with one another on the tables. It's also one of the places that the Dining hall leads to) Ost: A gentle Breeze. Available any time and in any route in the game.


Random female npc walks away from Laslow

Laslow is mortified and sighs "No luck today.... Rejection enjoys hitting me once again..."

Petra comes out of nowhere and appears behind Laslow

"Hello there Laslow, are you uh...?"

Laslow gets startled and turns around

"Oh Petra! You startled me for a moment!"

"Apologises, didn't intended to do so" Petra looked down

Laslow grinned and shook his head "No, it's perfectly fine, you're a really pretty girl after all, would you like to join me for some tea?" and winked at Petra

Petra shook her head "Didn't you ask that lady a moment ago the exact same thing? I have some disbelief in that flattery you just told me..."

Laslow looks slightly threatened "Disbelief? No I was being serious with you Petra you're a beautiful girl and-"

Petra interrupts "I have heard from uh... many others that you seem to have use these exact words towards others many times"

"Well of course I have! I haven't found a single girl who is ugly"

"So you pretty much uh whats the word...?" Petra suddenly went lost in thought

"The word you're looking for is charm. I charm ladies because they are all so lovely" Laslow winked at her with that normal grin of his. 

Petra didn't believe Laslow but went with it. "I see... And I take it that you do this as a hobby?" 

"As a hobby? Well I didn't really think of it as that to be quite honest" Laslow admits

"Oh? Do you perhaps have something else consider a hobby?"

"Uh well.... Dancing" Laslow got embarrassed

Petra was not expecting that answer. 

"...Dancing? I didn't expect.... I have admiration for dancing myself, I am very interested in Fodlan's way of dancing too! Could you show me your dancing? I have interest in how you present Fodlan's way of dancing" Petra asks

Laslow starts to walk backwards and is hesitant "I uh... I'm busy right now, um I must go now Petra, maybe we'll discuss this over tea some other day. Well um... Bye" and then he runs away.

Petra was confused and shook her head. "He.. made quite a contrast right there, is he perhaps shy despite that tough act of his? Thats quite... unexpected but interesting" 


C support achieved



B support between Petra and Laslow. Location is the same place as Claude's and Petra's C support (sorry forgot the name of the place). Ost is "Respite and sunlight" and this support is available in any route. It's also available pre time skip and post. References Petra's C support with Claude and references her dialogue about dancing for the Heron Cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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Trio of Students / FE3H AU - Inigo/laslow, Owain/Odin & Severa/SelenaWhere stories live. Discover now