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There will be a crap ton of spoilers from fates, awakening & three houses. Spoilers for some of the DLC from fates too.

Now I got this idea from a thread I found on a website (forgotten which one sorry) asking a kind of "what if these three were sent to fodlan instead of valla" and I absolutely loved the idea. That's how the story came to be! :)

Anyways to those of have played fates and awakening, might remember how three child units from awakening, became soldiers/retainers in fates. These child units being Inigo/Laslow, Severa/Selena & Owain/Odin. If you haven't played those games... This story might not make much sense lol.

Also fun fact, If Byleth marries any of the three in every route except for Crimson Flower then Rhea will live and take over as the archbishop once again.

This AU's first chapter will be focusing on them getting taken to Fodlan instead of Valla and by Rhea instead of (SPOILERS FOR HIDDEN TRUTH DLC FOR FATES) Anankos. The first chapter will be how Rhea took them there (just saying it's crazy similar to fates hidden truth dlc because of course it is) and why Rhea needs them.

However the majority of these parts for this fanfic are going to be supports these characters will have with certain characters.

Let me know if my explanation here makes no sense because I don't know if I did a good job at explaining it. If I didn't do a good job, please try not to sound harsh, criticism is perfectly fine (as a matter of fact, I appreciate criticism, makes me happy to see people trying to help me out) but throwing rude insults at me wouldn't really be helpful or necessary at all. Also I apologise if I accidentally make a character out of character (I'm sure people will tell me that Owain/Odin is out of character, he can be difficult to write at times bahaha)

Oh yeah and each character will be in a seperate house! And yes there will be Awakening references but your going to have to figure them out by yourself ;)

Black Eagles - Inigo/Laslow

Blue Lions - Owain/Odin

Golden Deer - Severa/Selena

Unlike my other three houses stories, Byleth is mainly silent in this series of interactions. Just like all Three Houses supports with him/her in it. Dialogue choices that Byleth can choose during supports will look like this:

> Yo.

> Yo!

and when the cursor is on one it will have two arrows instead of one. For example:

>> Yo.

> Yo!

And keep in mind these dialogue options are only Byleth involved supports and/or interactions. 

Thanks for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it :)

PS - Someday I might do another au story like this but with three fates child units (my three favourite child units to be specific and I can't tell you who they are just yet...) instead of Inigo/Laslow, Severa/Selena & Owain/Odin. Let me know if you want this :)

Trio of Students / FE3H AU - Inigo/laslow, Owain/Odin & Severa/SelenaWhere stories live. Discover now