Jenny and Luke (9)

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Jenny: (Louise at the Media)

My Rehearsal with the Girls was Awesome, were also called "Jenny's Band".

"Lets Take a Break Guys" I commanded them.

"Girls! I'll be back Im just gonna visit my hot boyfriend" I said while leaving already.

"Sure" Kaith bid goodbye too. (Kaith is one of mybestfriend)

"Umm Do you know Where Luke Hemmings Band Is?" i asked a fellow nerd walking by.

"You Should find the band of 6 Days of Summer Lumps!" he answered.


"Practice Room" He replied.

"Ok Thanks Nerd!"

~Practice Room~

They were singing one of their songs "English Love Affair". They sang really good but I gotta admit They sing well with that fellow geeks. Luke saw me looking at the window of the Practice Room.

"Jenny?" Luke asked suspicous.

They all stopped and All of them stared at me.

"Are you here to cheat? Jealous Jenny?" Calum teased.

"Im not here to cheat, Besides My Band sings Well" I lied.

"Well We will See" Calum fired back.

"What brings you here Jenny?" Ashton asked.

"Im here for Luke"

Luke went to me.

"Were In a Middle Of Rehearsal Babe" Luke said letting me leave.

"I just want to check on my boyfriend if he is flirting" I said in a low tone cause Louise was closer.

"Hun I thought Were Done About These Issues" Luke replied.

"Okay I just went here to see you..Are you not happy to see me?" i raised him an eyebrow.

"Hun Im happy to see you...You know me..I took Rehearsals Seriously" Luke answered.

"Well Maybe I need to go" I turned back but he hold my hand.

"Hun" he said

"What? I thought you dont need me?"

"Are you mad?" he asked sincered.

"Why should I be mad?"

"Babe" he said very serious.


"Wanna Hangout a Little?"

"Thats the Question Ive been waiting for" I said rolling my eyes in relief.

I went in to the practice room

"Guys Lets Take A Break" Luke commanded.

"Who told you its Break Time? We still didn't did a half?" Louise said.

"Yeah Why Break?" Michael asked too.

"Okay I guess Im not gonna practice this moment" Luke answered.

"Fine Lu Dont Join" Louise answered annoyed.

They have nicknames! Ugh That Geek is getting in my nerves.

"Yeah Yeah Whatever you say Loui" Luke answered rolling his eyes.

Loui? Its LOUISE?

They went back to  practice without Luke.

"You have Nicknames?" I asked annoyed.

"Hun I thought You dont like talking about her?"

"Just Answer Me Hemmings!" I commanded.

"We use that nicknames since kids" He said truthly.

"You know Jefferson Since Kids!" I said shouting.

They stopped and stared at us.

"Lu" Louise get the attention.

"Ok Will talk somewhere Just Continue.. Louise You Got PMS? So stress out?" Luke teased.

Is He making me jealous?

Louse didn't replied. 


"You didn't told me that Hemmings!"

"You said never talk about us so I didn't" he answered.

"Well Tell Me All About You and That Geek and Im Over" I said getting annoyed.

"Why are so Jelous Jenny? I never see you like that.Your My Girlfriend and My Only Girl" he said.

I was shocked.He never called me Jenny since we began, He just call me that if his pissed and now I could sense it.

"So Your Blaming Me?" I shouted on him.

"Ok Fine! Im Done! Jenny Please Leave. I'll just talk to you if Im ready to face you" Luke said his final words.

"Well Im Done!"

I ran away to the washroom crying. I locked the washroom and end up crying.

"Get Ready Louise Jefferson"

"You Biggest NightMare in High School is Coming"

"Jenny Are You Crying?' a familiar voice came.

"Hemmings Stay away from me"

"This is Kaith Dont Worry I think I know what happend already Let Me In?" 

Kaith to the Rescue..!! Im not done with you Jefferson

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