( OS _ Tony DiNozzo _ A Dance )

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You were at a bar trying to get away from all the negative things in life, your best friend traded you in to be one of the popular girls, the company you work for sent you an email saying they no longer needed you, and you were two months behind on rent. Not even going to take the chances of asking if things could get any worse, you kept your mouth shut.

Downing a drink you started to feel a small buzz, it was enough to relax you and that's what you wanted, to relax.

A song you knew and loved started playing through the speakers, the music causing you to bob your head in time with the beat, slowly fading away from the real world around you and into your own little happy place. Though a tap on your shoulder brought you back into reality, you turned to look at mortal that took you away from your happy place. A handsome man was standing there with a smile on his soft lips,

"Wanna Dance?" He asked holding out his hand, you would've declined any other night, but right now you just needed a distraction. So placing your hand in his you agreed to one dance, he gently pulled you out of your chair and lead you to a quite corner of the bar. Spinning you around a few times he placed your hand on his shoulder and his hand on your hip, then held your other hand in his larger warm one.

"Your a good dancer." He complemented twirling you around once again, you safely came back into his arms and blushed.

"Not too bad yourself." You returned, stepping closer you rested your head against his shoulder, enjoying his company. The song ended but you didn't pull away, you just kept swaying back and forth with this handsome stranger.

It wasn't until he pulled away about four songs later, that you realized how late it was and apologized for keeping him so late.

"Tony." He said kissing the back of your hand, "Tony DiNozzo." You giggled leaning forward as he was standing back up and caught him in a quick kiss of your own.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Tony smiled and pulled out his card handing it to you, gladly accepting it you stuck it in your pocket. You couldn't wait until the next time you got to see the handsome, Tony DiNozzo.

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