( P _ All the Guys _ Your First Kiss )

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Blinking several times you picked your throbbing head up off the the floor, sitting up up you discovered you were in a unknown place. Memories of yesterday hit you like a train, you had been attacked and taken. You looked around and saw a man laying on the floor across the room, you strained to stand and hobble over to him.

Collapsing beside him you checked for a pulse, it was good and there so he was probably just sleeping. He had a handsome face and you couldn't help but reach out moving some of his hair. The man stirred, eyes flickered open starring up at you,

"Whatever happens, just play along." He spoke softly, suddenly a door opened. Two men came in, one grabbed you and the other grabbed the man, that still looked a bit dazed. You were taken to a room were they made you put on a wedding dress and gave you a bouquet of red roses, then lead you to a room with a small altar, were the man from earlier stood in a suit and hands tied in front of him.

You were made to walk down the aisle with some guy who handed you of to the man, just like a father would his daughter. The man took your hand in his and waited, a woman came out in a nice dress, position her self beside y'all like a priest.

"We are going to role play a wedding, do a good job..." she pulled out a gun smiling, " and nobody will get hurt." Clapping her hands wedding music started to play, echoing through the room. She reached into a bag one of the men brought over, pulling out a book. Setting it on a little pedestal, she opened the book and started reading out wedding vows. You were doing well until she said,

"You May kiss the bride." You stuttered accidentally, the mans eyes begged you to just keep playing along, so you let him pull you close and kiss you. The woman sighed in annoyance, not convinced you were happy enough on your wedding day, you sensed this and wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him deeply. Then then door was kicked down and NCIS Agents ran in, a tall brunette came over to the man cutting him free and handing him a gun,

"You look nice boss, who's your lady friend?" The man you been with hid you behind his back with his gun raised, he lead you out of the building and over to an ambulance.

He told you his name was Jethro Gibbs and he went in undercover purposely getting abducted, by a lady who was overly obsessed with role playing. But before he left he asked you out for dinner to 'apologize ' for the unfortunate incident, you smirked at his childish way but agreed nonetheless.


Going undercover was one of your favorite parts of the job and going undercover with tony was just icing on the cake. You were going in as a newlywed couple, who loved PDA. Daydreaming of kissing DiNozzo and actually getting to kiss him were to entirely different things, talk about being nervous, your knees were shaking.

"You ready (Y/L/N)?" Gibbs asked handing you an ear piece, you nodded and swallowed your nerves, this was just a job, no real emotion, Tony probably didn't even have any feelings for you, you thought. McGee gave the okay and you walked over to meet Tony at the designated spot, he greeted you with a smile and wrapped his arm around you while you walked with him. When y'all got close to the suspect, they started getting suspicious, you began to worry your cover would be blown but Tony was going to make sure that didn't happen. Without warning DiNozzo grabbed your face and started kissing you, staying in character you eagerly kissed him back but you couldn't help some of the real emotions you had been hiding, were showing through. You were surprised though when Tony deepened the kiss and caressed your face gently. It wasn't until Gibbs called out through the ear piece that the suspect was walking away, that you broke away.

After you caught your bad guy, Tony pulled you to the side to talk to you.
"Was that real?" You blushed knowing he was talking about the kiss, you sighed ashamed that you let your feeling get in the way of a mission.

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