I want it to end

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Trigger warning: Cutting, mentioned suicide, and abuse


This will be in Carters POV

After I left Mason's I started walking home dreading facing my parent's they have been drinking more than usual so I haven't talked to them since the incident but I am still careful to not do anything that will tick them off

Walking into the house I heard nothing so i figured they were drunk somewhere in the house 

"Where the hell were you"

Turning around to the voice I saw it was my dad sitting at the kitchen table

"I was at a friends" I said trying to walk off

"We are not done yet get your ass back over here" 

Why did this always happen to me figuring because it was dark and I could run to my room and lock the door I just kept walking ignoring his voice

Big Fucking Mistake

Trigger Warning:

All of a sudden my head hit the wall I blacked out for a bit but woke up when I felt my stomach getting kicked and I was getting punched in the face over and over until the pain became so much that I passed out

Waking up I was in the dark hallway alone and scared 

I ran to my room I couldn't breath "No no not again" I was trying to take deep breathes but I felt like I had a elephant on my chest 

I did the only thing I knew would help I reached under my pillow and grabbed the blade 

I felt the blood dripping down my arm it didn't hurt it made me numb to all of my emotions

I started to feel light headed 

I just let the darkness take over me

Trigger Warning over:

Waking up I realized the bleeding had stopped but my bed was blood stained I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my arm off I am used to it so it didn't hurt that much when the water came in contact with my skin 

Putting on a hoodie and a pair of black jeans I made sure to avoid my parents and ran out the door before they could even see me

I went to my locker " Hey Carter" I knew it was Mason I mean I have no other friends "Do-" 

"Can we not talk for a while I need to clear my head about somethings" 

" Yeah sure if you need anyone to talk to I am here" 

" I don't need anyone I-i just want it to end" 

" What?" 

" Never mind I have to go bye Mason" 

All Mason could think about the rest of the day was 

Does Carter want to kill himself?

Fact 1: I will be speeding things up so we will start seeing more Marter (Ship name I know it is bad)

Question 1: Give me ideas for a better ship name

Fact 2: I will be starting a new BL story this one will be supernatural 

Hope you enjoyed

Until next time...

Bye loves<3

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