Chapter 2: Sticky Situations

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“Gah!” I screamed as I slammed the door in his face. Please don't let that gorgeous face be hit to hard by the door. Did I just say gorgeous face? Bad Meg, Bad Meg, this is Erin's boyfriend here. I locked the door to make sure that he would not burst through the door, which I know he would have done. He tried twisting the door knob and knocked again.

“What do you want?” I cried, annoyed. I swear I heard him chuckle. Was he seriously laughing at me? I groaned in frustration. It kind of sounded like a pre-pubescent boy’s voice cracking. Just great. I could have sworn I heard that musical chuckle again. Mental face-palm…

“I asked, what do you want?” I hissed through my teeth. I was surprised by the severity of my voice, considering half the time I am around Aaron, I can barely breathe, let alone talk.... and tripping over myself, but you know that’s me – luckless. There were a few moments of silence. I thought he had gone away after effectively annoying me, but I heard him again as I started to walk away from the door.

“Uh… I, um, need to talk to you about Erin,” he grumbled. Oh. Of course he was not here about you, what did you think? I was such an idiot at times, I mean he was not going to declare his undying love for me.  Sigh.

“Well, okay I’m unlocking the door, come in sit on the couch make yourself comfortable, whatever. I just need to go upstairs to get dressed so yeah” Why did I just say that? Idiot, idiot, idiot. I face palmed my head multiple times while reciting “idiot” to myself.

“Okay,” he said cheerily. His voice had a singsong tone to it, it was so sweet-sounding. I smacked my arm. No Meg, he is Erin’s boyfriend, and you are not a slut! I unlocked the door and bolted up the stairs, almost tripping over a baseball in the upstairs hallway. I walked into the familiar surroundings of my bedroom, and laid down on the bed.

“F*** my life” I muttered to myself. I started to brush all of the knots out of my hair. I could not help but admire the silky feel of it, though I knew it would change due to South Florida’s humid weather. I hated Florida, not only was it hot buggy, and the air smelled; it also was all covered in green. From the grass, to the palm trees, to the bushes, and then to more palm trees again. Everywhere I turned I was surrounded by green. I opened up my very messy walk in closet. I picked out a pair of ripped light blue jeans and one of my slogan t-shirts that says “Kiss me, I’m pretending to be Irish” which all of my friends get a kick out of because everybody thinks that because I have green eyes – yuck – and red hair, I’m Irish. Hahaha… that was a sarcastic laugh in case you couldn’t tell. I'm not even half Irish or anything. I don't have any clue what my dad looks like but, my mom looks kind of like me, except for the shocking red hair of course. And, she is able to tan in the sun, whereas if I don't put on SPF 100 before I go outside I come back looking like a cherry tomato.

I put my hair up into a braid, fearing the humidity would damage it severly, and walked downstairs. Bracing myself for the worst, I walked into the living room seeing the greek god himself standing infront of me. Since he hadn't notice me walk in, I decided to check him out. The moral side of me said I should not be staring at him, because he's Erin's boyfriend, but what they don't know won't hurt them.

"You like what you see," said an angelic voice pulling me out of my reverie. I snorted. I like snorting, it never gives away a lie. And, I definitely liked what I saw, and I wanted to see much more of it. NO MEGAN!


"Did you seriously just smack yourself on the head?" Aaron guaffawed.

"No, an invisible elf pushed my hand into my face..." I grumbled. He just laughed some more.

"Can we please just get back to the subject at hand?"

"Can we go to your room first?" he inquired, not bothering to wait for an answer. He just stormed off, bolting to my room before I could protest.

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