Chapter 15

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"Hiccup, go home," Astrid said sternly. She knew how much Hiccup's tone could hurt and Liv wasn't used to it like she was. It had obviously hurt her.

Hiccup didn't protest. He left without another word, slamming the door behind him. Liv jumped at the loud noise.

"I'm so sorry about him," Astrid said, her face softening as she walked to the couch. "He doesn't know how cold he sounds sometimes."

Astrid sat beside Liv who had barely heard a word Astrid said.

"Liv? Is something wrong?" Astrid asked.

"You said you wouldn't tell him," she said through tears.

"Liv I- I'm sorry," Astrid responded, looking away.

Liv whipped her tears, "You still love him, don't you?"

"I'm sor-" Astrid started.

"I see the way you look at him. Even with your tough persona, I can see that you still care for him," Liv interrupted, a small smile appearing on her face.

Astrid was speechless. Was she really that readable?

"You don't have to admit it, but I know you do. He loves you too," Liv continued, catching Astrid's attention.

"You think so?" she asked.

"He may be very cold to you but I can see in his eyes that he misses you," Liv grabbed Astrid's hands and gave them a small squeeze.

"Please promise me that you will try to work things out with him," Liv asked.

Astrid gave a small smile, "I will."

The next morning, Gothi performed a check-up on Liv. She properly treated her injury and by noon, Liv was on a ship back to Bashem. Hiccup and Astrid stood beside each other as they watched her ship leave.

"Hiccup, can we talk?" Astrid asked nervously.

"About what?" Hiccup answered. His gaze was still focused on Liv's ship.

"About us," Astrid responded. This caught Hiccup's attention.

"Us?" he asked. He dropped his façade for a split second and Astrid could see her Hiccup was still in there somewhere.

Astrid nodded.

"What's there to talk about?" he asked, returning to his tough, cold persona.

"Please Hiccup. Drop this act. I know the Hiccup I used to know is still under there," Astrid said. She wasn't in control of her emotions now.

"The Hiccup you used to know has grown up. He has experienced life and it took everything from him," Hiccup turned and started to walk away.

"The Hiccup I used to know wouldn't have given up so easily!" Astrid shouted as she watched the broken man storm away.

Hiccup stopped dead in his tracks. He turned on his heel and stormed back to where a now teary-eyed Astrid stood.

"I have fought every second of my life to stand where I do today. I am tired of fighting for things that aren't mine," he said angerly. "I have lost everyone, my dad, my best friend, my tribe, you," Hiccup's eyes met Astrid at his last word.

"I'm still right here Hiccup. You pushed me away after we broke up. You pushed everyone away!" Astrid screamed through her tears.

"I lost everything when you broke up with me! There was nothing left for me to keep. The gang is broken up! My parents will never see each other until my mother goes to Valhalla! I just lost my second girlfriend because she loves someone else! I lost you to Kylan!" Hiccup shouted.

"Kylan and I broke up!" Astrid yelled. Tears streamed down her cheeks now.

"What?" Hiccup asked in an almost-whisper.

"I broke up with him. I just couldn't bear to be around him any longer. He's terrible Hiccup! He's manipulative and cruel!" Astrid said through her sobs. "I missed my Hiccup."

Hiccup wrapped his arms around Astrid. She cried into his shoulder and rested her fist on his chest. The pair sunk to the ground as they clutched onto each other.

"I'm sorry I've been so cold to you. To everyone," Hiccup said. Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks. "When you left me on the cliffside, it completely broke me. I lost myself in anger and hatred. I've missed you too."

Astrid looked up at Hiccup, her eyes puffy and red, "I still love you."

Hiccup gazed at the woman in front of him, "I love you too."

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