Chapter 1

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Hiccup held Astrid's hands as he guided the blindfolded woman along a path towards a cliff. Not just any cliff, the cliff where she helped him realize that he was something with Toothless. This was an important place to him and he was about to make one of the biggest decisions of his life that would change his and hers forever.

"Hiccup where are you dragging me to this time?" Astrid asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"You'll see when we get there," Hiccup answered.

"That's your answer every time I ask you this question.

"If you already know the answer, why do you even bother asking?" Hiccup asked with a giggle.

"It's the principal of the thing," she said, straightening her posture.

Hiccup laughed at his girlfriend's silly face and attempt at good posture while walking blindfolded.

"Are you laughing at me?" Astrid asked, cocking her brow.

"What?! No! Of course not! I would never!" Hiccup denied.

"Hmm-hmm ok. Whatever you say babe," Astrid responded to his sarcasm.

When they reached their destination, Hiccup removed Astrid's blindfold. Astrid stood there astounded by the gorgeous sunset that was painted in the sky. Berk was beautiful during dusk and dawn but New Berk was a different kind of beautiful. The higher cliffs aloud for a greater view of everything, including the sunsets and sunrises.

"Hiccup... this is... absolutely beautiful," a smile grew on Astrid's face.

Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hands once more while she was stunned by the sunset's beauty.

"Astrid Haley Hofferson."

The sound of her full name grabbed her attention. She turned to see Hiccup, down on one knee.

"Will you make me the happiest Viking alive and marry me?" Hiccup asked.

Astrid's excitement faltered. She stood there, thinking. Her once bright smile turned to a sad frown. "No," she said slowly.

Hiccup stood up, shocked, "What?"

"I said no Hiccup; I won't marry you. Not right now," Astrid let go Hiccup's hands.

"Wh- Why?" Hiccup asked, scared of the answer.

"Because. The job of a chieftess is to give an heir to the throne. I will not have my life reduced to that. I am the General of Berk and I just turned 21 last month for Thor's sake!" Astrid's voice began to rise.

"Are you serious right now?!" Hiccup screamed. "You won't marry me because you don't want to have kids with me? You and I talked about having a family together for Odin's sake and now you're telling me you changed your mind?!"

"Well excuse me if I don't want to be pressured into having children! It's my body Hiccup!" Astrid retorted.

"You don't have to have a baby now!" Hiccup yelled.

"I don't want to have a baby ever if I'm being pressured into it!" Astrid yelled back. She pushed her arms downwards, hands curled into fists.

"Berk needs an heir, Astrid!" Hiccup yelled, gesturing to the village, "You're being selfish right now!"

Astrid scoffed, "I'm being selfish?! I'm not the one trying to force you into a marriage where your only role is to have a kid!"

"I am not forcing you into a marriage and that is not your only role!" Hiccup defended himself.

"You know what? This," she pointed back and forth from Hiccup to herself, "isn't working for me. We're done." Astrid said. She began to walk back to the village.

"Are you kidding me right now?! You're breaking up with me because of this?!" Hiccup yelled.

Astrid stopped in her tracks. Her face became red with anger as turned around and marched back up to Hiccup.

"I'm breaking up with you because you obviously don't care about my needs," she folded her arms.

"When have I ever not cared about your needs or what you want? When Astrid? Tell me when," Hiccup retorted.

"Gee, how about right now!" Astrid responded.

"You have got to be kidding," Hiccup put his hand to his forehead.

"Wish I could say I was," Astrid spat.

"Astrid I need you. You said you'd always be my support system. Right now, you're not," Hiccup's voice lowered.

Astrid's face softened. "Hiccup I have been there for you so many times. I supported your decision to find the Hidden World. I was with you when you fought Drago and Grimmel. I supported you when Stoick-"

"Stop. Don't finish that sentence," Hiccup cut her off.

"Hiccup, I will always support you. Right now it doesn't feel like you're supporting me," Astrid's voice stiffened. "That's why I need to break up with you. I have lost myself in you. I need to find 'me' again."

"I-" Hiccup tried to speak, but couldn't get a word in.

"And I can't watch you put yourself in dangerous situations. I can't bear the thought that I might lose you," Astrid continued.

"I can stop. I won't put myself in danger anymore-" Hiccup began.

"But you will. It's a part of you. It always has been. It always will be," Astrid's voice trembled. Tears stung her eyes and threatened to fall.

"Astrid," Hiccup's eyes watered as well.

"I'm sorry Hiccup. This is the way it has to be right now. Goodbye," Astrid walked away so Hiccup wouldn't see her tears fall.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hiccup said plainly. He turned to the now set sun, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry," he whispered. 

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