Chapter 22

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"Welcome home, my grandson." Ra's greets.

"Hello grandfather. Seems your doing well." Damian says.

Ra's snapped his fingers. "You! Servant! Grab my grandson's bags and lead him to his room and get the maids to make sure he's cleaned and ready." He says to a nearby servant cleaning the area.

"Yes sir!" The young servant says and does as he's told.

Once the two gets to Damian's room Damian looks around, "it looks like the same. Nothing changed." He says looking around his big room which only had stuff he actually needed. No toys, just books and homework laying around and weapons.

"Um so the servants are preparing your bath and getting your outfit ready. Head down once your ready." The young servant says before leaving

Damian sets his stuff down and looks around his room. He went to his desk and saw old homework, half of it not even finished. The opened a drawer and pulled out old looking book and took a look inside, it was his old journal with a few sketches inside but it was mainly filled with writings about what he did in his day to day life and how he felt when he lived here. He opened it to the next open page and took a pencil off his desk. He sat on his bed and started writing.

"It's been long since I've written in this journal. I have been gone, living with my father, Bruce Wayne. A lot has happened in my new home. I became Robin, I moved into the manor, I met my 3 adopted brothers who were all formally robin, I fought side by side with my father, Grayson, the Titans, and the justice league. It was quite interesting. They fought in ways I didn't expect. They are different then i imagined. Anyways recently I ran away from the manor and after I lived with Todd. The second adopted son. My father hurt me so that's why I left. Todd found me and took me in which is why I lived with him. Todd was actually not too bad to be around. He taught me a few new stuff which was ok and he actually treated me nicely and cared for my safety. I mean, whatever, I don't care, but it's ok. It's much better than living with my father and my mother for sure. Sadly Todd was arrested and I was taken away, given back to the Ra's family. I believe my mother had sent the social worker to Todd's home, knowing I would be taken away and Todd would be sent to jail. I honestly think that whole thing was stupid. I wasn't abused, I was safer with Todd than anyone else. I should have a say in this matter but of course the stupid social workers and the police won't listen! I'm not some kid that needs to be babied, I can take care of myself! *sigh* I guess it doesn't matter right now anyways, I'm going to get have to get used to place for a bit before making my escape." He writes.

Damian stared at the page silently before closing the journal and putting it away. He left his room to the bathes.


Damian was sitting in his room, laying on his bed, throwing the ball up in the air and catching it. He did this repeatedly.

Damian heard his door open, he glanced over to see who it was, only to see his mother, Talia Al Ghul. He looked away and continued to do what he was doing, "what do you want mother?" The boy ask.

"Your grandfather wishes to speak and train with you. Get ready in your training gear and meet us." Tali's says before leaving.

Damian sighs and sets the ball down as he sits up. He got up and grabbed a folded pair of training clothes nearby. He quickly got changed and went to meet his mother and grandfather.

Once he was down there he stood in front of his grandfather in the courtyard. "It's been long, grandson." Ra's says

Damian nods, "indeed grandfather." In that moment Ra's attacked Damian with his sword. Luckily Damian blocked it with his own.

"Let's see how strong you are now after spending your time with the Batman, now shall we?" Ra's pulled his sword away from the collision and aimed for Damian's legs.

Damian was quick and moved out of the way. "We shall" he says before making a move to attack.

Ra's block the attack and threw one of his own.

Damian quickly backed away.

Ra's attacked again.

Damian was able to block it with his katana. He kicked his leg up kicking his grandfather in the side pretty hard. But of course it wasn't enough.

Ra's moves behind Damian quickly and kicked him in the back of the knees.

Damian's knees buckled and he fell onto his knees. As his grandfather made a move to stab Damian in the back, Damian rolled out of the way and swiped his grandfather's feet from under him, causing him to fall onto the floor. Damian made a move to get up and stab his grandfather somewhere where it wasn't fatal. It didn't really work out though. His grandfather pulled out a gun and shot him in the hand. Damian screamed in pain and dropped the sword. He held his bleeding hand tightly.

Ra's got up off the ground, "don't be weak Damian! Continue fighting!" He orders.

Damian growled and went to grab his sword. He jumped back before he was hit with another bullet. His grandfather had tried to shoot him while he was trying to grab the sword.

Damian growled and jumped towards the sword and does a roll. He had the sword in his hand once he was standing up again.

His grandfather shot a few bullets at him.

Damian used the sword to block as many as possible. Luckily he wasn't hit again.

He was somehow able to kick Ra's gun away.

His grandfather quickly grabbed a sword and they battled it out more. Both still going strong.

When suddenly Damian felt pain wash over him. He screamed out before collapsing on the grounds he watched the world around him go black.

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