Chapter 3 Part 3

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Part three of the Third Chapter of the Sword Hero.

Those girls were useful on their own ways.

Inuchiyo detected an enemy close. which i can't thanks to her nose.

Taking a look, it was an spider-like monster who was eating a human...

He was only an [Level: 20] so i was seven levels more stronger than that thing.

We could try to avoid this battle since...

"Umm... Young master, it may be presumptuous of me to suggest this... But shouldn't we sneak past it before it notice us, or perhaps even catch it off guard by attacking first...?" Liza suggest while trembling in fear...

Look at me... One of the Four Heroes who are supposed to save this world is now outpaced by an low-level slave... Who was trembling in fear while keeping her cool.

What the hell i am doing!?

I guess the peaceful time in this city has soften my brain! I still need to get stronger for the upcoming Waves, so why in the world i am doubting in what should i do!?

Alright!! Time to fight!

"You three step back!" I went foward to fight the spider and then. "Sword Technique: Moonlight Wave!!" Is shouted an technique from my sword which was an enhanced version from Slash Wave, which hitted the enemy.

And cut him on half.

I gained EXP from slaying it, as i also noted that the girls also gained them, meaning that they were, by the system, my companions.

Both Chiyo and Tama compliment me about how strong i was.

"I never saw such a sword technique in my life... and the how it perfectly cutted the monster in half..." Liza said in amazement... While i knew that i was seven levels more stronger than that monster... I still didn't expect to finish it off this fast.

I decided to cut down their chains to make their movements more easy so they can fight without restrictions.

While we kept walking, we found an split road, which consisted on two caves which could either led us to the exit or much more deeper to our doom.

While deciding what to do.

"Insect above~" Tamashiro warn us and thinking fast.

"Wave Slash!" I went to the first version since it was simpler to use, since Moonlight Wave was too heavy to use and require it more concentration in order to pull it off.

Falling from the ceiling was an worm-like monster. "Tama! Hit it with a rock!"


Doing like i said so, she threw an rock at the monster.

"Chiyo! Tama! Step back! Liza, together!"

Both me and Liza charged at the monster. She stabbed it and i dealed the finishing blow, by slashing it with my sword.

After we defeated the worm monster. We encountered another one later. I was with Inuchiyo currently.

"Liste Chiyo. Throw those stones from it's side. Once you ran off of those rocks, run to where Liza and Tama are."

"Okay... Nano-desu." She sounded nervous... I hope nothing happens.

She threw a rock at the side of the worm monster while i charged with my sword.

I managed to defeat the thing, but an inconvenient happend... Inuchiyo began to run away... But it was not where Liza and Tama were. "Chiyo!" I tried to call out to her, but it seems like the panic won over her as she didn't stop by my voice.

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