Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Ms Frost" I doze off but hear the teacher, who I still do not know her name call me.I respond robotically.

"Yes?" I say and she speaks.

"I was to ask you something, On page 5-25 can you summarize the part?" I nod and reread the text which is somehow annotated. I skim and perfectly understand the different language.

"It says that the diversity of magic, ranging from weak elements to rare and ancient powers are on the rise." I say and she nods to say something. I finish my thoughts.

"But the powers are given out by personality and soul strength, bloodline matters but not as much as soul strength and personality." I see her mouth open and I hear a cough, she moves again and someone outbursts.

"Maleficent! I am the smartest here, why let a new idiot answer the question!" A high pitch female yells and I cover my ears. A ring forms in them and I see the teacher speak but here nothing. Yawning I hear again.

"Rosie, you have opened the book long before Snowbelle, yet she understood the text better. Now quiet and tell us your powers." She commanded and low growls are heard. But the students share.

"Rosie, druidric nature magic" She said and the rest follow. Losing track after Franki, a lightning user. Nightshade, controls poison. I lost count and when I was called recalled few of the list.

"Snowbelle, rune work, wordless spells and um..." I say shyly and Maleficent ends.

"It's ok, we are all continuously learning our powers, so I will end." She paused and on a slide was her powers.

"I can manipulate chi, or life energy." I look in awe and she calls the end of class. The 'bell' then rang and everyone cleared out. I stayed behind and coming over spoke to me.

"Welcome to Tranquillity School of Fine Arts and Edu, ms. Frost. I am Mal," I nod and see the clock light up, time being faster and faster. Seeing my next class, Intro to skating, I see the hall and find myself there, again. My yelp alerts the teacher. She comes over and my shaky legs move to the arch. I am frozen, and looking down find my bag and uniform gone. She smiles and lifts me with ease. Calming down I spot the rink.

"Welcome to week 4 of Intro to skating, I am as you know Ms. Storm," I nod, breathing in shallow gasps. Ignored I get my back flat to a wall. I then whisper carelessly.

"Oh oh deus meus, deus meus," I say in latin and get a classmate watch me. I go on as the instructor spoke.

"Auxilium postulo," Then I hear a mew. Fur rubs on my bare ankle. I get stiff, but when gone I see the class has moved. I shimmy there and Ms. Storm calls me out.

"Ah Ms Frost, on the ice already? Care to demonstrate?" I shake my head but I nod. My body is almost controlled by another. My heart is wild and lying as the music goes. The Romantic flight song from Httyd plays. I listen and dance. Skates come on my feet, but I will them away. A gasp is heard and they watch my movements. I calm down during the dance, and when stopping see my body in Arabaruge. How I know, no clue but a video shows up. I, in my pale pink leotard and white legging comes onto the ice, with skates then a fall later they are gone. My movements from that point are graceful. Perfect, or near perfect ballet form and positions are achieved and a high jump that is landed on a soft cloud appears. The limits are clear but all that is seen is raw skill.Looking back I am seeing a crowd, in applause and I slide off the ice rink to meet the teacher.

"H-how?!" She asked and I simply say.

"I just let the music take charge, never forcing movements." I am shocked and everyone in awe gathers on the ice. But my teacher is not, she motions to come and speaks to me.

"That was raw, untapped talent there, dancing without skates is one thing. Secondly the fact you came late into the academy, yet surpassing me is more so." I smile and yet look down in shyness. Then I ask.

"What was the cloud?" She looked at me like I was to explain. Lost I see the others try.

"Stretch Snowbelle, I am going to work one on one with you after school, to hone your talent." She said and I blink as she teaches. Finding I can go farther than thought, I go with my gut. Gathering back on the ice, go back and see a map. The map showing a higher 'rink' so I followed my internal I-pod, and leaped. Landing on a cloud go up again. Soon I am above them.

"Look!" A student calls and I see awe as I sit on a cloud. Blue now and going down meet the students. The rink is gone and I blink but the others speak as they go out of the arch. I do too and find my stuff returned, I yep but go from class to class. An hour, or feeling like so is over. 

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