Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Snowbelle woke up to a screaming alarm, and looking over saw her schedule.

"Oh Winter winds!" She said and ran like the wind, not even showering placed her hair in a messy bun and rushed with clothes set last night. Coming in she saw others, few are rushing. Calming down she saw a uniform.

"Oh Mother of pearl!" She mummers and went faster. An arch came up and students, not in full uniform, or not having one had one on, hair and shoes on. She came up and yelped. Someone giggled at her reaction to the arch.

"I did that to- your her?! OH-" The girl saw me, or more so my face and eyes. I in clean clothes without wrinkles and hair done better but still messy ran off. She screamed and I went to the doors. Unsaid I go to the headmasters office. I blink and sway and the headmaster-mistress looked at me.

"Ms. Frost, ah you came-" She looked and saw the door never opened and asked.

"Miss Frost how did you get here, on the second floor so fast?" She asked and I say what my sister told me.

"I - I - um teleported here?" I say and look around at the grey office. She smiles and I am offered a seat.

"Sit, I believe that you be a very promising student Ms. Frost," She said and going to her tablet, looked up something. In my hand was a paper, or small stack.

"In your hand is a map, enchanted to show your classes and how to get where you need to go," I gape and hear a chime. My anxiety is high and my legs are moving as I fiddle with paper. Looking down I then see a tablet, I nearly yelp when I see the map shimmer. A pale blue dot moves as I do. I see the dot go left and down, following I hit a wall or two. But make it. A screen is up and displaying a page, page 95 in Handbook Of Elemental Magic. I slink in and called out see all eyes.

"Ahh ms. Frost, welcome to magic discovery," The woman vibrant said and I nod. She went on and I was given a crowd of looks. One caught my eyes, a girl with oceanianic eyes that swirled sea green and midnight blue in certain lighting. I remember the face, the eyes and her hair a natural tone of black. The look reminds me of Percy Jackson, too much pain at once. Same eyes and hair. I whisper.

'Perc-' I say and when everyone brings out the tablets I see a notification. But ignore it and she asked.

'That you Adri?' I nod and I am called on.

"Snowbelle, can you-" She said but someone spoke.

"Maleficent, why call on her!" This girl, her voice so high I heard a glass figurine break. Trying to ignore her only get angerier. "I am Obviously the smarted here" She said and I could hardly hold my rage in. Maleficent saw my ice fire, an odd site and I destroy her tablet. Everyone looks over and I am fuming. My fists tightly clenched are blue, bright with a cold fire. Perci than went over and pulls me away. We are not in the room but outside and enclosed. I breathe and she looks at me. I see a stranger now. 

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