3: Family

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| Miley |

I inside mike was sitting on the couch with Anna wait for peace wait what was here.

" Mike what are you doing here," I asked him he sighed pointing to the back I walked to the back Anna and peace was in her room. Ok peace was supposed to be at her mom's since she didn't like what her eldest did.

" Hey, Miley." Peace said hugging me I hugged her back Anna sighed walking to the bathroom I smile at peace.

" Hey let me talk to your sister and take ranny with you," I said walking to the door peace rolled her eyes mumbled something under breath before walking out the room and slamming the door.

I didn't brother to nock since it was my house anyways Anna was sitting on the toilet she got up.

" Look I already know what your about to say and honestly I don't have time," Anna said.

" Well make time then you really think you can raise them," I said she turned around and gave me a dirty look.

" Yes, I'll get a real job I'm not about to turn my back on them," Anna said.

" You work for a pimp so how are you going to st...."

" Bitch I work for myself the fuck you think I'm some type of hoe that sells herself for drugs," Anna yelled at me getting in my face.

" I see aright I'm head out then," Anna said walking I her room packing some bags she looked at me and walked downstairs where mike was at talking to Molly.

" What the happened," Mike asked I shugged my shoulder.

" She fucking fake that's what," Anna said picking up ranny mike took him back.

" You not taking him with you," Mike said.

" Nigga he is my little brother," Anna said.

" Where were you when they were getting they ass beat by that nigga." Mike snapped on her.

" I was out making money to get them out man you really think I would abandon them like that," Anna said crying picking up ranny she walked out to her car mike went to his room.

I called my sister to see if she had an extra room for Anna to stay in I know she had space.

" Wussup," Jay said I check to see if Anna was still here.

" I need a favor," I said she sighed

" Okay, what," Jay asked me

" Anna needs a place to stay," I said...

" Your talm bout friend that's sleeping with everything," Jay asked me half of my family didn't like her.

" Yes, she has ranny with her," I begged.

" Okay but that bitch better have a job....look I know we grew up together but she needs to change," Jay said hanging up she right but I know she said she can stop anytime but it's like she was so stuck on making fast money.

| Jay.|

I drove around looking for Anna Miley to call me and told me that she was out here somewhere with ranny.

" Is that her." My homeboy asked pointing to her standing at the bus stop.

" Yeah, that's jhit y'all fucked," I said he laughed I don't see what was funny

" Nah man that family we lost contact after unc passed," Ryan said.

" Dam man my bad," I told him parking the car she looked at me rolling her eyes dam I didn't want to see you to bitch

" Get in the car......or I'm telling my mom's you stole her vase," I said to her.

" Jay you know that she doesn't like me," Anna said to be the reason she didn't like her was because she killed our child.

" I mean if you didn't kill caress she would never hate you," I said she slapped me

" I didn't kill her I fucking gave birth to stillborn," Anna yelled I rolled my eyes she didn't have to lie I know what I saw and she killed her.

" Stop lying okay stop fucking covering up what you did to her we all saw you know you killed her," I yelled at her making her jump she and stared to cry making me frustrated with her more.

" Stop it you don't care I would help you," I said holding the door open for her Ryan helped me buckled up ranny while peace got in.

" Did you ever think about my feelings huh or was I just the hoe you got knocked up," Anna asked me

" Wh...."

" No, because you were to busy blaming me something I had no control over I fucking cried for months you think I forgot about her when she was right there," Anna said to me I stood there listening to her.

" I gave birth to a dead baby by myself I tried to save her....she wouldn't wake up." Anna cried punching me.

Ryan decides to drive us to my mother's house since I was not in the right state of mind to drive the whole way there I thought about what she said. She right I never even thought about how she felt right after the news came I fucking lost it and just blamed her.

" Y'all can go ahead," Ryan said I went to get out too but he stops me.

" Nah we needed to talk," Ryan said I watched my mom frowned before letting her inside he pulled out his pipe lighting I never understood why he smokes his weed this way.

" Jaylen I yeen finna sugar coat shit with you what you said back there was green and you know it," Ryan said

" Your right... but she didn't even cry.." I said pointing to the house he sighed

" She cried she was there alone with y'all baby she was a baby herself she literally tried to kill herself and you think she didn't care." Ryan snapped she never told me these things I cried he pulled me in a hug we finally went inside where Anna was standing there by the door I grabbed her hands sitting her down.

" I'm sorry please forgive me I didn't know." I cried she blinked away her tears.

" I needed you." Anna said crying she hit me " you fucking left me I needed you there." She sobbed I rubbed her back.

" I know I'm sorry you didn't deserve this," I said holding her I was never letting her go again

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