2: new friends

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| success.|

Miley moms always made the best clopper on the block she was from the south so that was better too, but she had one thing she does she tries to set me and anna up I mean she is a beautiful girl but she was not the one for me especially with my lifestyle. she knew about the flower shop that I owned but that was just a cover-up for my drug business that I ran. 

" Thanks for the flowers." anna said smiling.

" no problem they just came in. so I decided to give them to you." I said 

" are you staying to meet my sister." anna asked me. 

I figure she wanted to spend time with her family instead.

" if you want me to," I said.

" I want you too, plus her she is now," Anna said pulling me to her dad's car 

" come on let the girl breathe Anna she just came home," he said laughing.

" oh, a dad she has been gone for too long now come out here and give me my gift," Miley said pulling the car door open.

" Pops you know she can't wait." Her sister said. I know this girl from somewhere but don't know where.

" Oh, Jay this is a success," Miley said introduce me.

" Sup don't I know you from somewhere," Jay asked me.

" Nah I'm not from here," I said making my accent come out. She nodded her head going inside. We walked inside where her mom and brother was setting the table I felt out of place but stayed for Miley.

" Oh, success are you staying for dinner." Mrs may ask I nodded giving her a close mouth smile.

" Yes, ma'am," I said helping her set the table Miley's sister looked at me her gaze was starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

" Jay why don't you show success to her room for the night." Mrs may say scaring me and Jay, I went to speak. ' I don't want you walking alone at night it's too dangerous out there." I sighed nodding understanding where she was coming from.

| Anna.|

I pulled my skirt up and fixed my shirt tapping the man on his face have held my hands out for my phone. He owned 200 dollars for the time I usually don't do the whole BDSM thing but when he offered more money I couldn't pass the offer up.

" Your a nice girl how old are you." He asked me.

" 19," I said counting the money he sighed shaking his head. " Is there a problem with my age." I snapped at him.

" Your so young I feel bad for what we did." He said to me.

" Bad," I asked confused I never had a client say they felt bad. What was up this guy.

" Yes, I never did this before a buddy told me about you. He couched me on what to do." He said lowly while buttoning his shirt. " I don't even like females." His friend tried to make him fucked the gay out.

" Um hey look I'm sorry about what your buddies did to you. If you told me before I would have never made you have sex with me." I told him sincerely handing him his money back.

By the time I got home my little sister was sitting on the porch with my baby brother in her arms. I rushed over to them opening the door pulling them inside she was crying.

" Peace what's wrong," I asked her she didn't answer me. " Did someone hurt you," I said.

" Mama friend came and he tried to touch me but mama came and fought him and him." Peace said crying I pulled her into a hug while she cried. " He killed Mama Anna he killed her I was so scared so I grabbed ranny and ran here." She said. I froze looking at her fighting back the tears she can't be dead I didn't even get to say sorry. 

I took peace to my room and layed her and ranny on the bed before walking back into the kitchen. I have to get my life together mane so I can take care of them. My parents wouldn't want them separate we had to stay together.

I called my friend mike since he was a lawyer maybe he could help me with the case.

" Anna do you what time it is," Mike said

" Yes Mike I do peace came over here and my mom's boyfriend tried to touch her last night and mama saw him. They got into a fight and he shot her he killed my mama." I cried on the phone.

" Anna I'm on my way," Mike said I didn't I know how to raise kids how was I supposed to help them I have sex for money and I can't even find a real job with my rep sheet.

| Mike.|

I went over to Anna and Miley's place to see if I can help her out I also asked my fiance to come over with me so she can make sure peace and ranny were okay.

" Baby is your friend sister okay," Molly asked running my hands.

" I don't know," I said pulling up to they're place getting out Molly followed to the door I took my key out unlocking the door Molly placed her nurse things on the table. I heard the shower running so she was probably taking a shower most likely she was going to bathe too.

" She is the shower we'll wait for her," I said Molly nodded sitting down she smiled.

" Do you remember how we meet," Molly asked me running my check. I smiled thinking about that day she was just starting her transfer to female and started my school.

" Yes, you were so small and fragile then." I said we came along way peace came out her room I stood up opening my arms she ran into me crying I rubbed her back.

" She gone Mike's momma dead." Peace said crying where is Anna she the one who called me over.

" Where's your sister," I asked her she wiped her face pointing to the backs

" Her fort." Peace said I nodded

" Can you make sure she okay while I check on her sister," I asked Molly she nodded I walked to her fort the lights were off I turned them on. She has had bottles all over the place how did she manage to drink all this. I begin to clean up when something caught my eye it's was an apotion papers

" Get up," I said shaking her she layed there. " GET THE HELL UP ANNABELLE," I yelled she jumped up looking around.

" Why are you yelling at me," Anna asked I threw the paper in her face she looked surprised she really was going to give them up like that's I knew she only cared about herself.

" Your selfish mane they need you and your turning your back on."

" I CAN'T TAKE CARE OF THEM MIKE," Anna yelled cutting me off crying. " I sleep with different-sex parents I can't raise them like that so yes I was going to send them to my sister's house to live with her, not some stranger." She said

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