⥈ chapter seventeen: NIGHTMARES ⥈

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« chapter xvii: NIGHTMARES »

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« chapter xvii: NIGHTMARES »

Dabria didn't go far, just up to her room in Wayne Manor

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Dabria didn't go far, just up to her room in Wayne Manor. She locked the door as soon as she got there and started to cry, refusing to talk to anyone who came knocking at her door. This whole time Bruce had been telling her that she was different. That she was special. But she wasn't, not for any of the right reasons at least. There had been dozens maybe hundreds of kids just like her who had all lived and died in the same fashion as her. Except, she hadn't died yet. She was stronger? Somehow better than all of them? Why hadn't she been... Activated? Or controlled or felt the need to create a portal and summon an otherworldly demon? Is that dark, inky smoke in her dreams the demon Malum? Is he the reason why she hasn't really felt like herself? Was he slowly taking possession of her? 

All these questions and more swirled around inside Dabria's mind and before she could figure anything out for herself or make any sense of it, Dabria found herself falling asleep. Which was the absolute last thing she wanted to do once she realized that a demon might be trying to possess her body in the middle of the night. On this particular night though, her dreams took a different turn. 

Dabria was standing on the roof of Wayne Enterprises. She recognized it from her night up here with Tim. But she didn't feel calm or at ease. She felt dread as she stared down upon the city. It was quiet for once. Not a single siren could be heard which was rare for Gotham. Dabria tugged at her hood, feeling herself pull it up over her head though she didn't feel like she was in control of her own body. It was like she was in a POV character in a video game, someone else was controlling her movements. Dabria stepped up onto the wall lining the roof and then she fell forwards and was falling, falling, falling, through the sky. 

Dabria couldn't scream, though she wanted to. Is it really just a myth that if you die in your dreams you die in real life? Dabria felt like she was about to find out. A portal opened in front of her and Dabria felt herself tuck and roll effortlessly on the ground and pop back up without a single scratch on her. She continued to walk off into the night. Dabria didn't know where she was, but her body seemed to know where she was going. 

Dabria entered some nondescript building and came upon an eerie scene. Several hooded figures were standing around, what Dabria could only describe as, a summoning circle. It looked like it was drawn in blood and had several unrecognizable symbols. What happened to regular old pentagrams? What was all this fancy bullshit? All the hooded figures were mumbling in an incomprehensible language and as Dabria walked closer, she realized her hands were pulling something out from behind her back. 

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