⥈ EPILOGUE: family ⥈

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« EPILOGUE: family »

« EPILOGUE: family »

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Several Weeks Later

Dabria crept toward Tim slowly, careful not to make a sound. She was carefully camouflaged against the back wall of the library as she attempted to scare the living daylights out of her boyfriend. "Hey Ria." Tim said, not looking up from his computer. Dabria frowned and when he turned around to look at her over his shoulder, it was like he could see her even though Dabria couldn't even see herself. She de-camouflaged and frowned at him.

"How did you see me?" Dabria complained. "I hid myself perfectly." Tim smiled a little.

"Yeah but what both you and Bruce failed to remember is that your shadow will always show you where you are." Tim said, pointing down at Dabria's second form on the ground. Her shadow had cast over the wood floor slightly in Tim's view. "We're all so used to working at night I think we forget." Dabria huffed as Tim chuckled and went back to typing away at his computer. Dabria came around the armchair and grabbed his laptop from him. "Hey!" Tim complained as Dabria set it down on the coffee table and promptly sat on his lap. Tim smiled a little and kissed her cheek as she put her arms around his neck and his went around her waist.

"I'm bored. Let's do something." Dabria said, running one hand through his hair lightly. 

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You're the one with all the ideas. I don't know what people do on dates." It was something Dabria had repeated often ever since she had been released from Malum's hold and the two of them had solidified their relationship. 

"Shouldn't you be studying?" Tim asked. Dabria rolled her eyes.

"I don't see why I have to to take the dumb SAT's. I don't even want to go to college." Dabria said, moving to stand but unable to as Tim tightened his hold on her. Dabria rolled her eyes and leaned into him lightly.. "I'll be starting so late. Most people my age are already heading to their third year. You're going to be a senior next year already so what's the point!"

"The point is that you get a degree."

"I don't even know what to major in." Dabria said with a huff, sill pushing some of Tim's hair back and out of his eyes. 

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