~A Whole Load of Awkward

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GOING BACK TO SCHOOL WAS THE MOST AWKWARD THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME. This is coming from the guy who got turned into a guinea pig and freed Blackbeard.

Here I was, expecting to ride gloriously into battle on my doughnut-demanding steed, only to be informed that I was required to go to school in the meantime.

I felt like Batman. I could just imagine the blurb of my comic book.

'Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal teen from Manhattan, really leads a double life as the Monster-Slaying Gladiator, battling for the fate of the world!'

I don't think it would sell. My life is too weird.


So here I was. Goode High School.

Rachael was snickering at my expression, and I scowled at her. I wanted to believe that the Kanes had left, gone to a different school..


Oh aren't I just the luckiest demigod ever.

{Short and random Percy chapter...


High School - Percy Jackson and The Kane Chronicles CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now