~Swimming Time

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Chapter 2







[Me Again!]

THE NEXT DAY WAS CONSIDERABLY LESS WET. THE SUN SHONE AS WE WALKED INTO the school gates, and the sky was blue and clear. I grinned. Hopefully today would be a little less strange.

[You see Sadie? That's when I jinxed it. Right there.]

The first thing we saw when we got to school, was Percy and Rachael. The strange pair had declared themselves friends with us, and I was about to walk over when I saw their expressions. Both looked deadly serious.

They were sitting on a bench underneath a tree, deep in conversation and I frowned, inching closer until I was just within earshot.

"...More and more attacks every week." I heard Percy say and I furrowed my eyebrows. [Shut up Sadie, I bore no resemblance to an ape.] Rachael scowled. "What about the Kane's? Do you think they could be..." she trailed off and I stepped backwards. My foot snapped a twig and Percy shot to his feet inhumanly fast. I blinked. He spotted me.

"Hi Carter!" he exclaimed, smiling crookedly, and Rachael trotted up too. They both looked cheerily at me and I scowled.

"What were you talking about!" I demanded. "What might me and Sadie be?!" I snapped, and Percy blinked.

He snapped his fingers.

It was a cold, resonating sound that seemed to stop time. "We weren't talking about you, Carter. We were talking about our vacation." he said calmly, and I stopped. He was right, why had I been suspicious. They hadn't been talking about me. They had been talking about their vacation on Long Island... I shook myself out of it. What had that been? They had been talking about me, I knew it! Percy just snapped his fingers and I started to forget. I shuddered and he looked at me strangely.

I brushed past them to Sadie and we walked off to class.

As we walked, I swear I could feel Percy's stare burning a hole in my head.






[My turn. Sorry about my idiot brother and all]

I HAD TO ADMIT, PERCY WAS KIND OF CUTE. HE WAS HANDSOME AND SWEET, BUT the way he had acted this morning was just plain strange. I walked hurriedly to my classes.

Unfortunately, we had swimming with Percy and Carters class. It was a little much.

I mean, Percy shirtless was a bit distracting. [I do not love him Carter! shut up!]

Our instructor was a short ginger guy who hobbled weirdly when he walked. Percy kept smirking at him and I couldnt put my finger on why,but the fun really started when the swimming actually began.

I was okay, competent at it. I was better than the rest of the class, but I was nowhere near Percys standard. He did 8 lengths in the time I did four and wasn't even out of breath. The coach applauded and he waited at the end for all of us to finish.

That pretty much set the tone for tge rest of the lesson, however, it was after the lesson that it got serious.

We had just gotten back to the changing rooms when I heard a massive roar. I ran outside. Percy was standing by the pool, facing a huge bull-man. It was nothing I had ever seen or heard of in Egyptian myths, and I was quaking in my boots as it roared again. Carter ran out of ten boys changing room and froze, Percy just looked annoyed.

"You, Again!?" he said. "How many times do I have to vaporise your sorry ass?" He smirked as he pointed at a large scar on the beasts chest and a broker horn. "How are those working out for you?" he laughed , and the bull charged.

At this point I was like 'Sorry percy, it's been nice knowing you." but he just sidestepped, grabbing the bulls remaining horn and swinging it into the pool. The water rose up and formed a spike, impaling the creature and it disintegrated.

Percy yawned, then spotted us.

"Hi guys,..." he began but Carter butted in.

"What was that bull thing!?" he demanded. I nodded and Percy said something in what sounded like Greek. He muttered something and swung out the window.

Just like that. Gone.

I looked at carter incredulously.

"Did that just happen!?"

High School - Percy Jackson and The Kane Chronicles CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now