[Skylan] September 23rd, 2014

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September 23rd, 2014

From Skylan, To Grace

I can't stop thinking about him. He's consuming my every thought. My everything. It keeps me up at night.

I think it's because I finally let go. I let go of my anger towards him. It's so exhausting to hate someone, Grace. It drives you crazy. It makes things feel worse than they really are.

I hated Tom because I blamed him. I blamed him for everything that happened. But really, it's equally my fault. It's time I stop pointing fingers at everyone else. In the end, when you think about it, I never denied him. I thought I loved him. And for that crazy moment, when the alcohol was rushing through my veins, I didn't care that my best friend really did love him. While I wished for love I could never have.

I didn't care that I was possibly going to ruin everyone's lives, including mine. In fact, that thought never crossed my mind. Oh Grace, when you figure out what really happened, why I really left, I hope you hate me.

I hope you never, ever forgive me. Because I'll never forgive myself.

I ruined it for everyone. I ruined my bright future. I ruined yours with Tom. I ruined my parents' plans.

This all goes far beyond what I could ever imagine. We all had plans. My parents were going to move and finally travel once they retired. But I need them with me now. I need them to help me.

They're stuck here because of me.

And your relationship with Tom is now never going to work out. Once you find out, you'll give up on him. Because you're a smart girl, and you think ahead of time. You wouldn't give your heart to a guy who'd break it.

Unlike me.

And Tom. He'll fight to prove everyone wrong. To put the blame somewhere else. It's not entirely his problem. It's mostly mine. But he won't understand that. He will accept the blame from others, and himself.

Just because I don't love him, it doesn't mean I don't care about him. I do care, because I know you care too, Grace.

I wish I didn't ruin it for you guys. I wish you two could be happy together. Because you deserve at least that.

You deserve happiness.

All I want is for you to be happy.

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