The Warning

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Me and Harry were up in our rooms for awhile. I laid on the floor and him the bed. As I choose to let me have the bed, least I could do, ya know? I had been throwing a paper ball in the air for the past hour. It was really the only way to pass the time, as Harry and I had nothing important to discuss. I sighed as I heard my uncle's heavy footsteps come up the stairs. I mentally prepared myself not to say anything bad while he was here. I sat up and awaited him to slam our door open.

   Harry and I stood up as Uncle Vernon slammed open our door. " you should be more careful you know " I say rolling my eyes.

   " One more peep out of you girl and you'll be staying in the cupboard for the rest of your summer " he growled, pointing his chubby finger at me.

Me and Harry looked at each other, trying not to break out in laughter. Uncle Vernon noticed this and began to stare so intensely I thought he would've burst into flames. " Any loud noises from the either if you tonight while my guests are here, you'll both regret it " my Uncle snarled. And with that he lumbered back down the stairs.

   " awfully annoying, isn't he " I smiled at Harry.

   " no kidding " he said and lightly laughed.

  I turned around to sit back on the floor, when I noticed the most peculiar creature already in my place. " what in the absolute fu- " but I was interrupted.

   “Harry and Sylvia Potter! " the creature in a high pitched voice they were sure would carry down the stairs. “So long has Dobby wanted to meet you… Such an honor it is…” 

" Harry, what the heck is going on?!"

He ignored me, instead trying to somehow understand what the creature was, and what it wanted.

   " uh, hello?" Harry asked nervously.

   " Such an honour it is to speak to you sir!" The creature squeaked.

    “Th-thank you,” said Harry, edging along the wall and sinking into his desk chair, sitting next to me, who was on his bed, I knew he wanted to ask, “What are you?” but he was too nice and didn't want to sound too rude, so instead he said, “Who are you?” 

   " I am just a humble house elf, my name is Dobby"

" well... Dobby, there has to be a reason you're here, right? "

   " besides this isn't the best time to have a house elf... in our bedroom " Harry added.

The house elf hung his head as he heard our Aunt's thrilling laugh downstairs.

   " not that we aren't pleased to meet you " I said, smiling not to hurt Dobby's feelings.

   “Oh, yes, ma'am,” said Dobby earnestly. “Dobby has come to tell you, … it is difficult, ma'am… Dobby wonders where to begin…"

   " uh, maybe you should take a seat and then try to explain" Harry said trying to figure out what Dobby's deal was.

   To both of ours shock and horror, Dobby had burst into hysterics. Crying and shouting- very noisy mind you.

   " t-take a seat?? Dobby.. never...Dobby never " he wailed some more.

   " oh, please calm down, we didnt mean to offend you! " I whispered trying to sound as comforting as possible.

   " offend? No. You haven't offend me at all! No one has ever offered Dobby to take a seat, like an equal" he said with a bright smile.

   “You can’t have met many decent wizards,” said Harry, trying to cheer him up. 

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