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The one thousandth arguement of this summer had just broken out between Harry and Uncle vernon. Harry's owl, Hedwig, was flapping and hooting, causing Uncle Vernon to awake from his sleep. I knew he was going to barge in here and yell at Harry. I grab my pillow and cover my face with it while awaiting my uncle's annoying yelling to begin.

   " It's the third time this week! " Uncle vernon yelled at Harry. " If you can't control that owl, it will have to go! "

I could hear Harry try to explain that Hedwig was miserable in her cage. She's been stuck in it the whole time. But then again my uncle was very irrational and couldn't be convinced.

I decided to go down and try to help aid Harry in their arguement, it was the least I could do. And besides it was starting to get annoying. " She's bored, you know" I say jumping into their conversation.

Harry looked at me, I knew he appreciated my help. " She's used to flying. If I could just let her out at night-"

" do I look stupid?" My uncle snarled, his face turning a light pink. " I know you'll try to contact those heathen friends of yours" he said while exchanging looks with his wife, Petunia.

" We haven't gotten any letters, anyhow " I say glaring at my uncle. " not one " Harry said nodding then sighing.

   " yeah who would want to be your friend anyways? Dudley said taunting us. As much as I wanted to punch him in the face, I stopped myself, for mine and Harry's sake.

I was about to start arguing with Uncle vernon when Dudley interrupted me. " can I have more bacon?"

" say the magic word " Harry said clearly annoyed.

   As soon as he said it I knew all chaos would erupt. Dudley fell off his chair with everything crashing beside him. Mrs.Dursley's mouth hung open, and Uncle Vernon turned a bright red, veins bulging out of his forehead. He jumped his feet and stepped toward Harry.

   " He meant please, you idiots " I say before he could reach him.

   Dudley and Mrs.Dursley both gasped, but Uncle Vernon was visibly unfazed. " WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT SAYING THAT HORRIBLE, CURSED WORD " My uncle roared at Harry.

" But He- "

" HOW DARE YOU THREATEN DUDLEY WITH THAT CURSED WORD "  thundered Vernon once again, slamming his hand on the table beside him.

" He just-" I try to defend him, but he was too angry beyond reasoning.


" CAN WE JUST CALM THE HELL DOWN? " I finally yell, their faces all turning to look at me. It was enough, I was already done with their arguement.

" You better watch your tone girl" he growled at me. I only rolled my eyes, I grabbed Harry's hand and led him back to our small room. I could hear Uncle Vernon yelling at the both of us, but I decided to just ignore it.

Ever since school had ended, this was all summer was reduced too. We were used to it by now, but it sure did drive me insane. Sometimes I just want to run away, but I never do. But we didn't belong here, and we knew that. We felt one hundred times worse being here than the rest of our family did us coming back.

   In all honesty, I missed Hogwarts so much it ached. I missed hanging out with my friends, playing pranks, the secret passage ways, getting mail from Hedwig, banquets in the great hall, visiting Hagrid, hell even bickering with Malfoy. Even though I got along way better with him than Harry did, we still weren't the best of friends.

   All of our stuff from Hogwarts was locked away in a cupboard downstairs. It was like that the minute we got home, Uncle Vernon locked it up, as soon as possible. They didn't care if Harry was kicked off the quidditch team. Or if I failed because I hadn't studied. Even if went back and had no homework done because all of it was locked away. He even padlocked poor Hedwig in her cage so we couldn't send letters, or receive them.

   We both knew that the Dursleys had not remembered their birthdays. But it was always like that, so it didnt really affect us.
But then we heard our Uncle Vernon call us down. The thought crossed my mind, what if he did remeber?

" you don't think they actually remembered? " I whisper, following harry down the stairs.

" I mean, you never know " he said shrugging his shoulders.

As we entered the living room, Uncle Vernon looked at is with his beady eyes. "Now, as we all know, today is a very important day.” I almost couldn't believe it, was he really about to mention our birthdays?

   “This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career,” said Uncle Vernon. 

Disappointed, we went and sat at the stools in the kitchen. I was pretty angered by this, but I bit my tongue to not say anything. I had already almost gotten us in trouble multiple times already. But of course he was talking about that stupid dinner party they were hosting. Obviously me and Harry would have to hide in our room. I was finally snapped back to reality when I heard Harry speaking.

   “we'll be in the bedroom, making no noise and pretending we're not there,” he said blandly.

   I zoned out again, not caring of what they were saying. It was the same old, same old. After they were done speaking, Harry shook my shoulder and led me outside to our backyard lawn. We sat on the bench in silence for a little before I broke the silence.

" happy birthday to us, right? " I say looking at him. He smiled a little before hugging me. It took me a minute, but I hugged back. Besides we had nothing but each other. No cards, no presents, just each other and that was all we really needed. At least for now, anyway. We still had to spend our birthday as if we didnt exist, and even though they were together, everything still felt so unbearably lonely.

The thing I missed the most was my friends. Especially sneaking around with Fred and George, playing pranks on the peopel we thought deserved it and who we thought would be most funny. I just missed everything about it. But it seems as if our friends hadn't missed us at all. They hadn't written to us at all, not one letter. Even though Ron promised to ask if we could come and stay.

Harry and I spoke some more before we heard the door open. Out came Dudley, his ugly little smirk on his face as he pranced out towards us. I was about to tell him to leave us alone before he spoke.

  " I know what day it is " he jeered at us.

   " oh yeah, and what day is that? " I ask not looking at him.

   " it's your guys birthday, innit? " he laughed. " and you haven't gotten one thing, have you, not even anything from your freak friends from that freak place?" He laughed once more.

   " ugh, go stuff your face with something already " I say grabbing Harry's hand and taking him inside and up to our room.

This day couldn't get any worse, could it?

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