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Rory sat at her desk at the Times, tapping her fingers nervously. She had a date with Logan that night, but did not have a clue as to what they were doing. After their rendez-vous at the Yale Club, Logan called her and insisted that she let him plan their date. Being the control freak that she is, Rory could not stop thinking of possibilities for the night to come. She impulsively picked up her phone and texted Logan

Hi. I need a clue.

In another newsroom in New York, Logan grinned at his phone.

No you don't

Rory's frustration was getting in the way of her work.

Please! How else will I be able prepare?

His response this time was more immediate.

Mentally or Physically?

Rory bit her lip at the thought of the physical aspect of her upcoming date.


This time, Logan took longer to answer.

Fine. You don't have to worry about being seen with me in public. We are staying in.

Upon seeing this message, Rory immediately scrolled through her contacts and made a call.

"Hello? Luke's Diner." Luke half yelled, trying to be heard over the lunch rush.

"Hi Luke! Is my mom there?"

"Rory? Is everything okay?"

Lorelai's voice could quickly be heard in the background, "Rory is on the phone?"

Luke sighed, "Why are you calling the diner?"

"Mom's phone is broken, and no cell phones in the diner! Plus, you'll be the best step-father ever if you hand the phone over to my mother..." she teased.

He grumbled, "You know, a few years ago I didn't have any kids. Now here I am with two persuasive daughters making me break the rules in my own diner!"

"April still texts in the diner?"

"Boys! She has a cell phone in the diner and she is using it to send text messages to boys!"

Suddenly, Lorelai took over, "Hi. Thought I'd save you from the overprotective father rant you were about to hear."

Rory giggled, "Well speaking of boys, I need help deciphering a message from Logan. He finally gave me a clue for our date tonight. He said, 'You don't have to worry about being seen with me in public. We are staying in.' What does that mean? What do I wear?"

"Ooh. Staying in... that's a tricky one. You need to look cute but you also need to look like you're not trying."

Rory sighed, "That's impossible."

"No no, I got it. Wear leggings and a cute but casual top. Make sure you have cute socks too in case Logan is a take your shoes off in the house kind of guy."

"He's a shoes inside the house guy. I lived with him for a year, remember?"

"But Rory, he is a different man now! You never know, losing a kidney could also mean a change in shoe preferences!"

In Rory's office, she noticed people were suddenly attempting to look busy. She looked around as her colleagues were sitting up straighter and shuffling through papers.

"Mom I gotta go." Just as she ended the call, she noticed the source of her coworkers' distress. Mitchum Huntzberger had just entered the room with the Executive Editor of the New York Times. Although the Times was one of the few publications the Huntzbergers did not own, Mitchum was still regarded as a powerful man in the business. The two men in suits walked through the newsroom engaged in a conversation.

Rory attempted to slump down in her seat, hoping her computer monitor would hide her face. Damn it. Why didn't I spring for the 24 inch screen?

"Rory!" Mitchum's voice boomed.

She could feel her face turning red as she looked up at her boss standing with Mitchum. "Hi Mr. Huntzberger, how are you doing?"

He flashed a smile at Rory, "Fantastic, Bill and I are about to get some lunch. Bill, did you know I gave Rory Gilmore her first newspaper job?"

Rory had never actually spoken to her boss, and she was 99% sure he wouldn't know that she was his employee if he saw her walking down the street wearing a New York Times employee badge. However, he clearly wanted to save face in front of the notorious Mitchum Huntzberger. 

"I'm not surprised Mitchum, you do have an eye for the best in the business. We're quite fortunate to have -" Rory watched as his eyes darted down to the name plate at her desk, "Ms. Gilmore as a part of our team."

"Thank you Mr. Keller." Rory hoped her shock wasn't evident. At that moment, she also realized her whole office was watching this interaction.

The men continued to stroll through the newsroom, leaving Rory at her desk as she attempted to decompress from seeing Mitchum Huntzberger for the first time in years. She wanted to bring this situation up to Logan, but she wanted to seem casual about it. After a few minutes of drafting multiple options and mentally making pro/con lists for each draft, she finally settled on what she deemed to be the perfect message:

So I guess your dad still likes to claim that he gave me my first big break in journalism, LOL.

She hit send and immediately called the diner again.

"Luke's Diner!" Luke yelled over what sounded like a muffled argument between Michel and Kirk.

"H-hello? Luke? Is my mom there, I really need to talk to her again."

"Rory? Is that you? Its been so long, I can barely remember your voice!" Lorelai lamented in an over the top drawl.

"Mom– Logan's dad just came into my office, and he talked to me!"

"Logan's dad? I didn't even– Kirk! Give Michel his macaroons back!"

Back in New York City, Rory rolled her eyes. She needed her mom's advice, especially as she anxiously awaited Logan's reply to her text. "Mom, I texted Logan about it but now I'm freaking out!"

"Sorry Ror, Kirk tried to steal the snacks Michel's mom sent him from Paris because Lulu's been craving French food." Lorelai giggled.

Kirk yelled from afar "Michel has no respect for the miracle within Lulu!"

"Kirk! Nobody wants to hear anything about whats within Lulu." Luke grumbled.

Rory sighed. At least the crazy antics of her hometown kept her mind off of the stress of having her ex-boyfriend's father walking around her office with her boss.

Lorelai's voice re-entered the chaotic phone call, "Rory, I've gotta go stop Kirk before he destroys Al's Pancake World. I'll call you later!"

The call ended just as Rory's phone buzzed with an incoming message.

Didn't know he was visiting the Times. Underestimating you was the biggest mistake of his career. I can't wait to see you tonight. 

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