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Her alarm clock began blaring at 4:30 in the morning. Since Rory had yet to figure out how to properly shut off her new furry pink alarm clock (a gift from Lorelai), she threw it at the wall. For the next three hours, Rory sat cross-legged on her apartment floor, writing an article. At around 7, her phone buzzed with a text message.

"Hey ace, great talking to you last night let me know you're ready to go"

Rory quickly replied, "Just in time! I just finished editing my article, I need coffee and a shower."

Back in his upscale penthouse, Logan smiled to himself as he read Rory's text. Of course her text messages consisted of perfect grammar and punctuation. "Send me your address, I think I know a coffee shop that's up to Gilmore standards :)"

Half an hour later, Rory looked out her window to see Logan Huntzberger waiting outside with a town car.

The teasing began the moment Rory joined Logan on the sidewalk.

"And I thought I was new to the Big Apple! Have you even taken the subway before?"

"Ouch Ace, hurting my ego before I've even had coffee."

"You need to keep up Huntzberger! I'm already two cups in this morning," Rory teased.

Logan gave his signature smirk, "Hey at least I don't call it the 'Big Apple'"

This teasing continued as Logan's driver navigated the town car through the congested New York traffic.

They eventually stopped at a tiny hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. Logan got out of the car first and instinctively stuck his hand out for Rory as she got out of the car. Rory blushed and grabbed his hand as she got out of the car.

Despite the shop's small size, there was an abundance of customers. Rory and Logan were waiting outside in the crisp November air, Rory shivered and wrapped her arms around Logan's arm to keep warm. Logan looked down at the shivering Gilmore that was holding onto his left arm and gave her a small smile.

"What? I'm cold! I need warm coffee in my system," She pouted.

Logan chuckled, "It's worth the wait, Ace... so how is your mom?"

"She's good! She's...happy. She finally married Luke about a year ago."

"And what have you been doing since-" he paused, looking sad "since I last saw you?"

Rory felt bad. Despite the fact that she turned down Logan's proposal, it wasn't as if she didn't love him at the time. He was just asking her to settle down with him at a time where she still needed to establish her career and figure out who she really was. As Rory thought back to that time, she and Logan just stood there in the coffee line, staring into each other's eyes. It must have only been a time span of a minute or so but during that time they both thought back to the same life-changing moment in the past. They were both brought back to reality when the barista was hollering at them in his thick New York accent.

"You two just going to stare at each other? If you're not gonna get some coffee get outta line!"

Logan stumbled forward and ordered the coffee.


About an hour later, the former couple found themselves arguing in an antique store. They weren't actually mad at one another, it was just an extension of their usual playful banter.

"Logan. I will not let you buy me this. You have already been generous enough today!"

He laughed, "I haven't even purchased anything for you! This will be a gift! You liked this typewriter, you said that you've always wanted one- well I am buying it for you!"

Logan and Rory had already spent the last fifteen minutes arguing over the light blue vintage typewriter.

"But-" she hesitated.

"See Ace! You want it! You can even use it if you want because it still works!"

"But you bought me coffee already and-"

He cut her off, "Ace. At Yale I bought you a whole damn coffee cart. Just accept this gift. Please."

Rory looked at his face as he pleaded with her, she couldn't say no. "Fine." She smiled and crossed her arms.

Logan put his arm around her and they walked towards the checkout counter. Rory was surprisingly okay with that gesture.

If any other guy had put his arm around me I probably would have pushed him off but Logan is different. It's not like this is just a first date- wait is this a date? Rory quickly shook her head, as if she was trying to shake that thought away.

"So remind me why you are buying gnome shaped bookends?"

She giggled, "They remind me of Babette! For as long as I can remember, she has always had these lawn gnomes on her front yard!"

Logan smiled at Rory's quirky personality, he had been with other girls since Rory but none of them were like her. Most New York girls he met were from work and were often trying to sleep with him to get a promotion or money. Sure, some had big fun personalities but Rory was different. As for California, his romantic endeavors there immediately had a negative impact on his mood, so he quickly moved his mind elsewhere.

Once they were back in the car, Logan turned to Rory "so, knowing you, I anticipated that you would soon be distracted by knickknacks and decorations so-"

"Ouch, what are you trying to say?" Rory pretended to be hurt

He laughed "anyway, a buddy of mine can help you with some of the more substantial necessities- you know, furniture?"

They soon found themselves pulling up to a huge furniture warehouse. For the next four hours, Logan patiently helped Rory as she measured and picked out furniture. Logan's friend was even able to get them same day delivery at her apartment.

When they were finally finished, they got back into the car. Logan immediately began to doze off. Rory was left alone with her thoughts.

This is so different from being with any other guy. It's like we were never apart; we don't have any of that awkward flirting you have when you first meet a guy. I feel so comfortable but at the same time I feel like a stupid teenager with a crush.

Suddenly, Rory had a horrible realization. She quickly reached over and shook Logan's arm.

"Logan! Logan, we didn't eat lunch! It is 5:30 in the afternoon and all we ate were breakfast pastries!"

He was still in a post-nap daze, "Shh, Ace I'm trying to sleep" he put his arm around her so her head was on his chest and he resumed his sleeping position.

As comfortable as she was, Rory was also starving. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she remembered that Logan was ticklish. She soon began tickling his sides.

"Rory!" he sat up straight.

"I'm hungry!"

Logan smirked, "I know a place, we can eat and by the time were done, your furniture will be in your apartment."

Luckily, Rory had drawn up a floorplan of her apartment prior to their shopping day. At the furniture warehouse, she drew her furniture purchases to scale and indicated where she wanted things.

Rory smiled, "Good. You can't forget to feed a Gilmore. Never forget that Huntzberger."

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