{Chapter 7: Day out}

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The next morning. Anne and Cathrine wake up still curled up together.

Anne: Morning
Cathrine: Good morning

The smile at each other and Anne sits up and stretches. Cathrine leans up on one elbow and watches as Anne opens the curtains. It's pouring with rain.

Anne: Well what a lovely day.
Catherine: I can just sense the sarcasm
Anne: I have to face Aragon at some point. She's gonna have to walk past me so I might as well get it done and over with.
Catherine: You don't need to. Let it happen naturally. Like. If we went downstairs right now. I bet you that Jane will be standing by that blender and the first thing she will say will be 'Morning girls. Strawberry smoothies?'
And really. I want a smoothie
Anne: That's probably true. Ok ok you win. Let's go

The girls walk downstairs but be extra careful shutting the door as Aragon's room is only down the corridor. They make their  way downstairs to find Jane standing by the blender

Jane: Morning girls! Strawberry smoothies?

Anne and Catherine look at each other and try to not burst out laughing. Somehow Anne manages to say

Anne: yes please Jane.
Catherine: Same here. One for me too
Jane: Coming right up. Did Aragon speak to you at all?
Anne: As if. If she didn't hate me before. She definitely hates me now.
Kitty: Morning Guys.

Kitty and Anna have just walked into the kitchen looking half asleep

Anna: Morning
Anne: Don't you two look wide awake
Kitty: We has leftover Candy-floss so we are it last night. But I think we ate too much.
Anna: we barely got any sleep
Kitty: So. Fluffy
Jane: Nothing a smoothie can't fix!

The girls sit around the breakfast bar like the morning before. Again. There's no sign of Aragon. Jane brings over 4 strawberry smoothies and luckily for everyone. The blender is still intact
As they are just finishing up. Aragon walks into the kitchen

Aragon: Morning Kitty. Morning Anna. Morning Jane.

She stared at Anne and Cathrine and walked past them to sit down.
Anne had expected that. So she didn't take it to heart.

Aragon: so what's going on today.
Anne: Well me and Catherine are going out
Aragon: I wasn't talking to you
Jane: Anyways moving on. Where are you two off to? It's pouring out there.
Catherine: We figured a walk in the rain couldn't hurt.
Kitty: Oooh can I come

Anna gives kitty a look that says ''don't you dare'

Kitty: Actually never mind I'm not a fan of the rain

Anne and Catherine stood up and placed their now empty glasses in the sink and thanked Jane for breakfast. Then they walked up to their rooms and got ready.
Anne walked out of her room wearing the same green hoodie Cathrine had given to her but she had pushed the sleeves back. Cathrine knew her scars were on show so asked Anne if she was ok with it

Anne: Yeah. I'm ok with it. The girls know to not ask questions like that in front of everyone. Even Aragon knows

So they call goodbye to everyone and step out the door. It's pouring down. Worse than the morning

Anne: Uh. You still wanna do this?
Cathrine: I'm starting to have doubts but let's just go
Anne: Ok. But if I catch pneumonia then it's on you

They both laugh before stepping out from the shelter of the porch. They both get battered from the rain but they just laugh and spin around in it. It's all fun and games until Anne steps backwards into a surprisingly deep puddle and she slipped backwards and landed on her knees as she tried to steady herself.
She feels a sharp pain through her right knee but brushes it off and as Cathrine runs over to help her but ends up slipping over and landing almost on top of Anne.
They both burst out laughing but Anne can feel her knee throbbing as she stands up and tries to not gasp out in pain. Cathrine notices and steadies her.

Catherine: Are you ok??
Anne: Yeah- Yeah Yeah it's ok. I just hurt my knee.
Cathrine: Come on. Let's go back. We've had a good day out. Even if we stayed here and played in the rain.

Cathrine held Anne's hand as she helped her get up the stairs of the porch. But with each step. Anne felt her knee shooting pain up and down it. She kept quiet and sat down on the sofa

Jane: You girls are soaked! Are you ok Anne?
Anne: Yeah I just slipped when we were out.

As Anne says that. She feels a massive pain shoot through her knee and gasps out in pain.

Cathrine: That's it. Come on. We are going to the hospital. Jane can you help me
Jane: Of course of course

Both queens helped Anne to her feet and helped her out to the car. And for once. Anne accepted that she was injured. And needed help

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