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It was weird to be in the same room as Vic and not talk. Vic hadn't said a word to Austin in three days, and Austin had given up quickly to try and make his friend talk to him. He hadn't spoken to or seen Alan either except via texts, but even Alan had been quiet.

At this point, Austin was wondering whether he had done something wrong, and he on his turn grew quiet too.

But now it was Taco Tuesday, and Austin was torn between not letting his only night off get ruined by his apparent fight with Vic and letting Taco Tuesday be for what it was. It was against his habit to not go meet his friends on Taco Tuesday, but to be honest, Austin wasn't really feeling it anyway. It was also against his habits not to talk to Vic, but not talking to Vic made him more uncomfortable at the moment than skipping Taco Tuesday for once, even though the guys would ask Vic questions and Austin had no idea what his friend was going to answer.

He looked up when the door to his dorm opened and Vic came in. Vic didn't even acknowledge him, as he also hadn't done in the past days. Most of the time he had been at Danielle's, which had given Austin some breathing space.

Vic dumped his bag on his bed and plopped down next to it, pulling out his headphones and putting them on before starting some music on his phone. Austin looked at him, biting his lip and contemplating to start a conversation, but he had no idea what about. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out.

Alan: 'You free tonight?' Austin frowned and looked at Vic for another moment, who was busy scrolling his phone and ignoring Austin.

Austin: 'I guess.'

Alan: 'Phil is driving me insane, can I come over?'

Austin: 'Sure.' Austin's internal butterflies took off a bit when he thought about spending some alone time with Alan, and while he was thinking about a time to text Alan to meet him, there was a knock on the door. Austin looked back at Vic, who didn't hear it, and got up. He hadn't even opened the door completely yet before Alan pushed himself in, locking it and pulling Austin in a deep kiss while cupping his face. Austin had some difficulty with pulling away, not just because he didn't want to but also because Alan's hand held him so tightly, so desperately, that it took him a few seconds.

Alan looked up at him, his eyes questioning until Vic pulled his headphones off, scraped his throat and Alan followed Austin's eyes at the Mexican guy on his bed, looking overly annoyed.

'Oh, hey. Sorry,' Alan said, letting go of Austin's arm that his hand was still on.

'I would appreciate it if you'd tell me next time your boyfriend is coming over, Austin,' Vic snarled. Austin narrowed his eyes; it was as if the past three day of total silence had been boiling up his anger about what Vic had said last Saturday, and this was the last drop before he would over cook.

'It's not like you do that when Danielle comes over,' Austin just said, taking Alan's hand and opening the door again. Vic rolled his eyes.

'Because at least you like Danielle.' Vic just pierced his angry gaze into Alan, who stared back. Austin grunted and turned around, looking at who he thought was his best friend.

'God, Vic, can you just drop this? I mean, what's your point anyway? You've been my best friend for years, you were the first one other than my dad that I ever told I was gay, and you've always said that you hoped for me to find someone I really loved –'

'But not Ashby!,' Vic almost yelled. 'Someone you really love and who really loves you, Austin!'

'And who says Alan isn't that person?!,' Austin let out loudly. He felt Alan tug at his hand.

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