
Five days later Austin still hadn't come to terms with what happened at the party. Alan had kissed him. Not just quickly, but a full on face-cupping-pulling-him-down-desperately kiss that had shocked Austin beyond measure when it happened. He had broken away from Alan and had stared at him, wondering what the hell had just happened, letting out why Alan had to ruin everything when he was drunk.

But now Austin thought about it, there was nothing wrong with the kiss. It wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed it; on the contrary. It was just that he was so shocked about Alan being the one doing it. Never had he ever thought that Alan would be capable of taking an interest in guys, let alone Austin. The only thing that made Austin think twice about Alan's suspected interest in him, was the fact that the ginger had been emotional and very drunk. Maybe it was just a mistake. Alan wasn't the guy to be gay. Don't get your hopes up...

Austin had pretended to come to the party to find Vic, but the actual real reason for him to come over was making sure Alan was okay after his outburst in the library. Austin genuinely wanted to help Alan out, because he felt like the ginger wasn't going to be able to deal with all his shit on his own and Austin felt for him. But ever since their kiss there had been a radio silence between the two of them; Alan hadn't shown up for tutoring on Friday night, Austin hadn't seen or spoken to him throughout the weekend and now it was already Tuesday. And Alan was nowhere to be seen.

On one hand Austin was kind of okay with it, since seeing Alan would make him feel all kinds of things, and he wasn't good with feelings, especially the ones that he was experiencing now. They confused and distracted him and he hated that. He'd rather have a clear mind to focus on the important stuff, like school. On the other hand – and Austin hated to admit this to himself – the feelings also brought some nerve wrecking happiness unto him, that he pushed far and deep away and kept it locked up just so he wouldn't admit to it. Alan kissed him. But the boy wouldn't be into Austin, would he? Couldn't be. Or could it?

'Could what?,' Jaime asked while picking up his taco and taking a bite. Austin looked up from his weary thoughts to see his four friends look at him. Vic frowned and sent him a questioning look.

'You okay, Aust?' Austin nodded and tried to focus on the untouched burrito in front of him. 'You sure? You've been so quiet lately.'

'How's that new?,' Tony softly said. Everyone looked at him.

'Says you,' Mike retorted, making the rest snort. Tony just shrugged and ate his taco. 'Anyway, Austin; I saw you on the party last week. I thought you didn't like parties.'

'What?,' Vic let out. 'You were at the party?!' Austin threw Mike a look and tried to look innocent, hoping that the guys would drop the topic soon enough, but that wasn't the case.

'Yeah, I saw him coming out of Alan's room.' Mike looked at Austin in curiosity, and the rest followed his stare. Jaime smirked and picked on his food while eyeing from Austin to Mike and back. Vic's look darkened a bit.

'What were you doing there?,' he asked.

'Eh...' Austin's brain short circuited for a second. 'He eh... We spent some time in the library revising for his test and he forgot his notebook, so I thought it would be nice to bring it over...,' Austin lied, his voice quieting down as he spoke.

'You really think he would look into his notes after that party?,' Mike chuckled. 'You're so innocent and you don't understand a fuck about parties, do you?' Austin shrugged.

'I thought he'd might needed them...'

'Oh, needed them he did. Used them is a different story,' Vic said in an annoyed tone. 'I still don't get why you're putting so much effort and time in that guy, he's gonna fail and drop out anyway.'

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