23. Comes With The Territory

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Hi. Hey. Hello, this chapter was not written under the influence of alcohol. Yeah I know, weird. BUT, I promise it's still a blast and will hit you in the feels. Any who, please enjoy!

 Any who, please enjoy!

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Darien Grace

My fingers were raw and my eyes bleary when my alarm went off at 7:00 the next morning. Flashes of the day before spirited across my mind. Harry. Nettie. Zayn and Nettie. Harry, Zayn and Nettie. Christ, it was a miracle I'd survived it at all. And now I had to do it all over again.

Groaning, I rolled over. I pulled my pillow over my head just as Jas opened the door to our shared bathroom. Moments later, the mattress heaved under the sudden weight of her body.

"Morning, Princess!" She cheered, ripping the pillow away from my grasp.

"Go away."

"Nope! Dads One and Two have a full feast waiting for you downstairs, then it's dress-up time."

"I'm not a My Size Barbie, Jas."

"Oh darling, how naive you are." Jas sighed, scooting back toward the edge of the bed. Her weight lifted. "Now up. We have a tight schedule."

An hour and a half later, I had eaten and showered before Jas pinned me down in our bathroom. I nursed my second Irish coffee of the morning. Caleb had refused my initial request for mimosas, but courtesy of a helpful distraction from Jas— I'd nicked a bottle of whiskey off the bar cart in the den on our way back upstairs. She turned me away from the mirror, jerking my head this way and that as she worked to clip in purple extensions brushed with gold glitter.

I picked up one of the clip-ins, frowning as I held it out in front of my face. "You realize this stuff is going to be everywhere by the time you're finished, don't you?"

She smacked the back of my hand. "Yes, but it completes the costume. Now sit still."

I frowned, taking a prolonged drag from my sip of coffee before I asked the question I was already dreading the answer to. "What are they making me dress up as now?"

"That, sweetie, is a surprise. Now hush, the Master is working." She lifted sections of my hair around my face and the crown of my head, teasing it before pinning at at the back. She sprayed it for good measure, working my curling rod through the purple and gold strands. She shook the tight curls out, before spraying them once more. Finally, she started in on my makeup. I cringed as she dabbed some sort of tacky glitter around my hairline and across my cheekbones.

"We're going to be finding glitter around here for the next six months."

Jas just shrugged. "Probably." I had no idea how long she had me sitting there before she finally spun me around. "No peeking. Get dressed, and I'll meet you downstairs," she ordered. I rolled my eyes, shucking off my robe and reaching for my jeans.

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