Chapter 16

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"Whatever man, all I'm saying is that she can hold her breath if she doesn't want to inhale the smoke." Gustavo grinned from ear to ear because of what Dima said, this black eyed shit was saying I should kill myself whenever he smokes.

"This isn't a discussion, she needs air." Damon took off with his phone, Gustavo, Dima, Elijah and I are in the living room, there was an important person coming, Damon said we should all be here.

Elijah changed seats with Dima beside me, they started arguing how he would keep the smoke all to himself if he could, Gustavo seems annoyed, but doesn't say a word. "Hey." Elijah called, putting his hand on mine.

"You've been avoiding me." I pulled my hand free and rested my body on Gustavo's back. He said nothing but patted my head a bit. "Shame I got you this." He stood up and disappeared somewhere in the kitchen, when he got out he have in hand avocados.

"Avocadddooooosss!" Me and Dima yelled, I ran to him and jumped. Elijah caught me mid air and I gave him a big hug. "I missed you." I said, before I could get down, someone took me by my waist. "Damon put me down!"

I was on his shoulder, this guy is strong! He put me down the couch on the other side of the room, I fell on my butt. "I hate you." I pouted.

"No you don't, stay here." He shot me a look. "You," he pointed Elijah, "give me that." He snatched the avocados from Elijah's hand and gave them to me, I smiled at him from ear to ear.

"Cuchka derganaya (Crazy bitch)" Gustavo chuckled. "I wanted those." Dima sat down on the couch, defeated. "I'll share." I winked at him, he yelled yes and fist bumped the air.

That got a smirk from Damon. "Jia's here." His smile faded, who's Jia? "Jia, you mean little miss foul mouth Jia?" Gustavo shook like he's disgusted, he must hate that Jia person. "She's only like that with you, she's actually sweet." Dima shrugged.

Well if Dima likes her she must be something. "Jack, who's Jia?" I asked when he went close so he could take avocados. "Well, she's..."

"Damon!" A high pitched squeal echoed through the room, the woman I'm guessing the same age as him almost ran, well that's a talent, she was wearing 5 inches heels. She managed to run beside Damon though, and hugged him.

He didn't seem happy about it. "missed you." She pouted, Damon was frowning, and leaning his body to me. Jeez how much don't you want this girl around you?

"You have great ass, for a post mortem zombie." Dima said, ignoring her. That got a snort from me, I didn't mean to but it just got out. "Dima." She turned to the guy beside me who was busy sorting through the avocados.

"Still an asshole I see." She faked a smile, "and you are?" She turned to me. "No one important." I smiled at her.

Elijah rolled his eyes, and pulled me close to him, since Damon doesn't seem to want to introduce me to his friend. "This is Missy. Damon's assistant."

The woman smiled, amused, and looks at Damon, who was sulking on the couch. "You let your girlfriend work for Damon?" She asked, Damon shot up, frowning. He looks mad.

"She's not anyone's girlfriend." He answers. "Well, not yet." Elijah grinned.

Gustavo suddenly whistles, making us turn to him, he was looking at the girl at the door. Lucy was there, she was wearing a very cute dress that goes down to her knees and her hair was curled to perfection. She was beautiful- of course she looks beautiful even though she was wearing maid clothes when we met, but right now she was glowing.

"Jia!" Elijah came close and hugged her, no malice, just pure love in a brotherly way. "I didn't expect you to be home so soon." He said, and pulls Jia close to us.

"Soon? I've been in England for a year! You two didn't even bother visiting me, not even once." She turned red, she looks mad, that's funny she looks like Damon when she's mad... oh.

"Well, Dad said we shouldn't bother you, and we've been busy." Elijah scratches the back of his neck, he always does that whenever he's nervous.

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes. She drops her bag in front of Damon, who was still avoiding her gaze. "Your baby sister is here, I need your attention." She free falls herself to Damon's lap, not exactly ladylike but hey she's his sister, guess you don't see that everyday.

Damon was hesitant, but later smiled. "You've grown, Jia. Now get away from me, you're heavy." He pushes Jia slightly. "You're one to talk, Luka." She mocks him, Damon just rolled his eyes and took his phone from his pocket.

She turns to me. "I like you." She pulled me up and hugged me. Everyone was surprised, even Damon was looking at us. "You are a good person, and I like you. I want you to be my friend." She winks at me. "S- sure?" I answered, she jumped out of excitement, I jumped because I got surprised, this girl was too energetic for her age.

Before she could say anything, Damon already pulled me free from her. "Hey share!" Jia yelled, the cranky woman from earlier had on a bitchy face, she was overshadowed by Jia, clearly Jia's more natural than her.

We got to his room, bloody hell why does this always keeps happening? Even though I've been in his room back in the US, this was different, this room was clearly more like his safe haven- his quiet place.

I was stepping into his comfort zone. "I won't ask why they're here if you don't want." I sat down in the chair next to his bed. "The gala's tomorrow night, in case you forgot. They are here for the party." He crashed down his bed. "Hmm." I shrugged.

"How old is Jia anyway?"

"19, why'd you ask?" He pulled me close, I was sitting on the bed now, my back facing him. "I thought we were the same age." I laughed to myself. That's why she's all bubbly and I'm all meh?

"You're 23. Her mind is all over the place, yours aren't. You're more mature than her." I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "I should be, I guess I forgot I'm old." That got a smile from him. "Not as old as you though." I teased. "Hey I'm only three years older than you." He said. I snorted, laughing.

"Yeah I forgot you're 78."

"That would make you 75." He said, I puffed my hair, and put my hand on my waist. "I look good for someone who should be in an elderly home." He laughed. "and you're not bad for someone who needs respirator." I pushed him slightly.

"I'll share mine if you give me some of your painkillers." He teased back. I pretended to be offended. "How dare you assume I have joint pains? After 52 years of marriage Damon."

He smiled so sheepishly and held my hand. "after 52 years, you're still beautiful as the day I met you." That made me blush. "I want divorce." I said, he toppled over me and kissed me on my forehead. "Not in a million years."

We both laughed. "I doubt we'd still be alive by then." I said, he shrugs, "then no divorce for you, you're stuck with me."

We stared at each other for what it seemed like an eternity, his eyes are so captivating, I could look at them and get lost in deep thoughts. I would never get tired looking at him, not for a year, or a million more.

Before he could say anything, his phone rang. Goddammit that's the second time someone interrupted us in the middle of almost smooching session.

"I wish you didn't have to get that." I closed my eyes. "Me too." He whispered and stood up.

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