Chapter 14

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Missy's POV

I've seen death. I've been face to face with death since I was born.

But this... this is different. He was alive and breathing right in front of me.

"You've been missed cyka blyat." Jack was smiling from ear to ear. "What happened to your head?" He sat on the end of my bed, "Got hit with a gun." I shrugged.


"If it's a speech about how I should forgive Damon for what he did, save it. I already got the pep talk from Elijah." I stopped him from talking before he could suck up to Damon, I had it.

"Yeah no shit. The kid did a terrible job. Damon doesn't have to apologize."

"What do you mean he murdered someone in cold blood, Jack." I took one of his arm on my hand, I want him to look me in the eyes and tell me Damon didn't do anything wrong with a straight face, he can't, nobody could. Not a person in their right mind would.

"He deserved that."

"Whatever he did, nobody deserves that Jack. He..."

"Pyeryestan' zalupatsa (stop bitching), he raped his daughter. He killed over a dozen people and stole money. He does drugs and sells kids. What more does he have to do for you to know that he was an evil man, Damon did what he had to do."

"But that doesn't give him the right to kill him Jack!"

"If he didn't, his daughter will live her life in fear of that zhopa (asshole). Damon saved her, Missy. You have to keep that in your head whenever you open that big mouth of yours. Don't judge him just because he kills people, he has reasons."

I rested my head on his back, he was facing the door. "You make a good headboard, Jack." That got a chuckle from him.

"Opezdol. (Idiot) Make peace with Luka. He's had enough. He spent the entire day looking for you."

"Hmm." Was all I got. I was wrong but not entirely. "Why do you call him Luka?" I asked, straightening my back, it bloody hurts. "He is light. Luka has been through some shit, sometimes he likes to hide his reasons. Sometimes he's fucking pain the ass, but he is light. He has his reasons."

I nodded like a bobblehead. I still couldn't believe everything, I didn't want to believe it.

Damon was more likeable as a moody boss, who's lazy as fuck and can't even buy his own pen. The Damon I met was a completely different person, he had fire and anger.

I hitched a ride with him, because I can't get discharged without a guardian, Jack seemed like my very scary looking Dad who likes to keep swearing, I don't know I don't understand Russian, but the nurse upfront keeps rolling her eyes and sending a 'get your grumpy parent out of here' kind of look.

"Call Luka, he'd want to hear your voice, the guy is busting nuts trying to find you."

I shook my head, and just called, what could go wrong? Truth be told, I miss him too. Fine I admit, boo hoo.

He took some time to answer his phone, sure when it's me, one ring is enough, two I'm fired, but if it's him, jeez.

When he finally picked up I didn't know what to call him, out of panic I just went in with the classic, "Hi boss." Before I could say anything more he talked like his life depended on it, he seemed really worried. "Wherever you are, I'm going to take you home, I promise."

"I'm on my way home, I'm with Jack." I chuckled when Jack shot me a look, I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm sorry." I started, "I shouldn't have been so hard on yo-" he suddenly dropped the call, yep. He's mad.

"Your Luka" I made sure I got the Luka correctly, how these Russians say it. "Is going to have some serious yelling at home." He laughed to himself, that got a smile from me too.

We jammed on the way home, there's something about Jack that was very fun to be with. He has a very different sense of humor, it was far from what I grew up with in the UK. He also has a short temper, I enjoy constantly poking him just to piss him off.

"Hey suka, try not to get in trouble again." He winked at me and went away. I just shook my head, smiling. I went upstairs and took my clothes off, I was in my underwear again and it felt amazing.

The hospital gown wasn't really my thing kind of still feel like I'm wearing a very loose dress, and the color sucks by the way.

I drifted off to sleep, finally a decent rest after a long day.

'She's not like us, she'll never be one of us' My brother was yelling at me, and pointing like I'm not his sister. It was always like this. He would always make sure I feel shitty about myself.

Like there wasn't anything likable about me, that I was the most unlovable person. 'Stop making fun of your sister, Alec.' Mom would always say, she didn't like me either, she was just putting up a front for Dad. He was the only one who ever liked me.

In the back of her caring facade was a very mean lady who would always hurt me. She was worse than Alec.

'You have a bruise again.' Dad says, I tried to hide it as much as possible. Mom would kill me if Dad knew. 'I'm a klutz, Dad. I... I bumped myself on the chair.' I would use all sorts of excuses to not get in to trouble. 'Again?' He shook his head and turned to mother who was giving me a look.

One day when the beating got too much, I had enough. Dad came home and I just... I had to tell him everything.

'You ungrateful child, you deserved to die.' She yelled, 'We never should have fed you, or bathe you. If only I knew you were going to be like this.'

Dad had a heart attack that night. It was all my fault. If only I didn't make a fuss about a broken arm. It was going to heal, eventually. I had to lose Dad because I couldn't handle a minor beating and bullying.

I was weak.

I woke up with a pair of arms hugging me, and a worried face, that makes all the pain go away. I missed him, he was the only one who could make everything go away, like they never really matter in the first place.

I hugged him back and settled on his arms. He seemed tired. "Never do that again." He took a deep breath. I smiled at him. "Give me atleast a couple weeks, my head still hurts." That got a chuckle from him, he kissed me on my forehead and rested his head on mine.

"Malysh, you drive me crazy." He smiled and drifted to sleep.

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