twenty six

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"ALEXA! GET YOUR ASS OUTTA BED! I HAVE GREAT NEWS!" tony banged his fist on alexa's door, her frowning as she rolled out of bed. in bucky's red henley and shorts, she opened the door.

tony greeted her with a wide smile, watching the master assassin rub her eyes.

"yes stark?" "bucky's out of cyro in a hour."

that made alexa open her eyes.

"it's only been two days?" "shuri is a genius, i knew it wouldn't take long. also, nat is on the line."

alexa followed tony to the kitchen, where steve and bruce were sitting infront of a big screen. natasha and the team were in the conference room back in new york.

"hey? everything okay?" alexa asked, natasha shrugging her shoulders.

"we have some news on yelena. she's in the states, probably looking for a good time to drop by and say hello." natasha deadpanned. alexa groaned, rubbing her face with her hands.

"i never liked her you know." alexa admitted, steve shaking his head with a small smile on his face.

"me and you both lexa." natasha and alexa chuckled, peter parker speaking up in the background.

"how's mister barnes?" tony smiled softly at peter through the screen.

"he gets out in a hour and we're all very excited." everyone smiled, alexa and steve grinning like crazy.

"that's great, it'll be good to have him back and not worry about the soldier." rhodey said, everyone agreeing. after what he walked into when bucky sent that distress call a few months ago, he's glad the words are coming out.

"we'll be home later tonight. we'll see you soon." steve stuck his hands into his pockets, them saying goodbye. alexa turned to face everyone.

"time for food i'm hungry."


alexa anxiously passed back and forth in the lab, shuri getting ready to take bucky out. tony walked up to her, placing his hand on her shoulders.

"woah michaels, why are you anxious? he's gonna be as good as new." tony have a reassuring smile, alexa taking a deep breath.

"i know, you're right." "when am i ever wrong?"

alexa chuckled, walking next to steve. he looked down at her, smiling softly. he laid a kiss on her temple before facing the cyro chamber, bucky sleeping peacefully.

"3, 2, 1. open the chamber." shuri ordered, someone pressing a few buttons. the chamber door slowly opened, a gust of cool air coming out. two men came to help a slowly awakening bucky out of the chamber to a chair.

alexa and steve slowly walked up to him first, bucky adjusting to the light.

"hey sleeping beauty." alexa joked, cupping his face with one hand. her thumb rubbed against his cheekbone, seeing him smile softly.

"i dreamt of you doll." he mumbled softly, steve smiling at the two.

"i'm honored." she giggled, kissing his lips tenderly. he opened his eyes, seeing his two favorite people.

"hey buck. how do you feel?" steve asked, bucky smiling.

"i feel good steve." steve grinned, alexa standing back as steve and bucky hugged. shuri walked up to bucky, smiling.

"hi sergeant barnes, the words are officially out."

the confirmation from shuri brought tears to his eyes, him bowing his head to cover the fact that salty tears landed on his cheeks.

"i'm free?" he questioned softly, alexa smiling.

"yea honey. you're free."


the quinjet landed back home at around 6, the ramp opening up. bucky and steve walked out first, alexa staying back to help bruce and tony.

"i'm glad bucky has the words out." tony spoke up, the three waking off the jet to catch up with the supersoldiers.

"me too. i'm so glad he has one less thing to stress over." bruce smiled as bucky ran back towards alexa, throwing her over his shoulder and running back towards steve.

"james what the hell!" her yell filled the hallway, tony and bruce shaking their heads.

"and they're supposed to be the world's deadliest assassins right?" "yea, they are."

bucky soon placed her down him and alexa headed towards the main floor, bucky stopping in place as the team was standing waiting for the four.

"welcome home bucky!" sam threw confetti in bucky's face, bucky hitting sam. he looked around, food on the island, and a homemade banner hung on the wall. bucky smiled widely, looking around.

"it's a pretty big deal that the words are finally out, we thought a celebration was needed." natasha let her lips curve up, bucky's grin not leaving his face.

"thank you, it means a lot."

bucky's favorite; chinese food, was on the island for everyone. everyone grabbed a plate and some food and sat at the table.

"i would definitely go back to wakanda. it's beautiful over there." steve spoke, bucky agreeing. bucky placed his hand on alexa's thigh underneath the table, her looking up at him and smiling. she kissed his cheek, sam going 'ew'.

"no pda at the table people are trying to eat." "shut it birdbrain."

everyone laughed, bucky smiling at the group of people around him. his family.


alexa was already in bucky's bed when bucky walked into his room. she was just in his red henley and underwear, her grinning at him.

"hey lover boy." "that's a new one."

she smiled, sitting up on her knees. he walked up to her, alexa wrapping her arms around his neck. his hands rested on her lower back, her squealing when she felt his hands squeeze her ass. he felt the vibration of her laugh against his neck, making him smile.

she kissed his neck softly, bucky letting out a soft moan. bucky carefully pushed alexa back onto the bed, towering over her. alexa pulled back, her lips meeting bucky's. her hands trailed down his chest and under his shirt, her hands running up and down his abs.

"off. off now." she muttered against his lips, bucky smirking as he quickly slipped his shirt off, leaving him in just his shorts. bucky's lips latched onto her neck, sucking on it. she tilted her head back, feeling bucky's lips trail down her neck. his lips reached her collarbones, and he couldn't go any farther without taking the henley off.

he looked up at her, him silently asking for permission. she smiled softly, and nodded.

"take it off buck." she whispered, bucky slipping her shirt off. alexa's hands found bucky's waist, helping bucky slip his shorts off, leaving him in jut his boxers.

"beautiful, and you've been hiding this from me this whole time." he said between kisses, him trailing down her body. he heard her chuckle, bucky smiling as he reached her belly button, him crawling back up to her face. his left hand rubbed up and down her body, making her shiver under his touch.

"what do you want babydoll?" he asked, kissing her lips softly.

"all i want is you sarge."

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