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IT WAS A few days after the mission, and tony being the man he was, decided to throw a party. it was around eleven thirty that morning when alexa finally rolled out of bed. her ankle had healed, and her cut was slowly fading but nothing makeup couldn't cover. in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, she headed to the kitchen on her floor.

"good morning sleeping beauty." steve sang song, bucky chuckling. alexa grabbed a apple, tossing it into the air and caught it.

"i'm not afraid to chuck this apple at your head steven." alexa said, bucky holding back a laugh. alexa went to wash the apple, back facing the two men.

"laugh all you want buck, i'll throw one at you too." all the two men could do was say "whatever you say" and shake their heads with a grin on their faces. she turned the sink off, and bit into the apple. she joined them on the couch, getting comfy next to steve.

"excited about the party tonight?" steve asked, alexa nodding her head.

"stark throws the best parties. it's his specialty." steve chuckled, her not being wrong.

"well this is a special one, it's bucky's first party with the team!" a smile was on alexa's face, bucky laughing at her enthusiasm.

"gosh this is the first party since 1943." he said with a breathless chuckle. alexa heard the sadness laced in his voice.

"well then, i'll make sure this is the best first party in 70 years." bucky couldn't resist letting out a loud laugh.

"i'm countin' on it doll." steve watched the playful conversation between them, knowing that bucky had acquired some sort of feelings for alexa.

"miss micheals, mister stark has requested you in his room. he says it's an emergency and miss. potts is away on business." alexa furrowed her eyebrows before standing up. the men heard her let out a sigh, heading towards the elevator.

"friday, please tell me he's dressed this time." steve and bucky looked at each other confused then looking at alexa for an explanation.

"long story, it was in 2011." the men nodded, yet still confused.

"yes he's dressed miss micheals." alexa headed into the elevator, the doors closing behind her. the elevator jolted up, alexa continuing to eat her apple. she reached tony's floor, her knocking on his door.

"what do you need stark?" alexa asked, tony opening the door to a distressed tony.

"what suit should i wear tonight?" alexa wanted to slap him. she really did.

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