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ALEXA WAS UP at six-thirty the next morning, her unable to sleep. she didn't want to bother steve, so she decided to head to the gym.

she went down a few floors, seeing natasha in the gym, running the treadmill. natasha turned around, seeing alexa. she got onto the sides of the treadmill, turning it off.

"why aren't you sleeping lex?" she asked, walking towards her. alexa met natasha in the middle of the gym, them reading each other's mind as they got into their sparring stances.

"cant sleep. how about you?" alexa asked, them going straight for eachother. alexa threw a punch, natasha dodging it. natasha sent her elbow to alexa's stomach. she caught it, twisted her arm and kicked natasha's legs from underneath her. natasha fell to the floor, her being distracted. alexa towered over her, the two panting.

"same thing. is it about barnes?" natasha asked as alexa helped natasha up, them starting back up again. natasha threw a punch to alexa, her dodging it. she kicked natasha in the stomach, nat barley catching her foot as she dragged alexa down to the floor.

"don't do it if you don't have a way out." natasha said, alexa nodding.

"those damn dreams keep me awake. you?" alexa asked, her getting back up. the two went back and forth with punches, kicks, dodges and some aerobatic practice.

bucky and steve watched the last five minutes, alexa sprinting towards nat as she used the thighs of death move. steve smiled at the move he knows too well as bucky stared in utter and complete shock.

"how'd she-?" bucky's question trailed off as he watched in awe, steve laughing.

"just one of those nights where i just cant sleep." alexa smirked, her unhooking her legs from natasha. alexa helped her up, the two out of breath. they both looked at the door, the two men walking in.

"hey rogers, barnes." natasha said, alexa giving a small smile to the two.

"has anyone ever called you two barnes and noble? cause ya know, barnes, and steve, you're noble... i guess." alexa trailed off, natasha trying so hard not to double over in laughter. bucky covered his mouth with his prosthetic hand, holding back a laugh.

"no, but that's a good one alexa." bucky said as steve smiled, shaking his head. alexa smiled proudly at natasha, nat playfully rolling her eyes.

"why thank you bucky." alexa grabbed her water bottle from the bench, excusing herself to shower. the three looked at eachother, natasha speaking up.

"she makes jokes when she's nervous." natasha blurted out, covering her mouth immediately.

"for an assassin, you aren't good at keeping secrets natasha." bucky said with a smirk on his face. natasha gave him a look, bucky not wiping the smirk off his face.

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