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[Chapter 13 - Just a Break]

- Riley -

I let out an exaggerated sigh as I threw my bag into my jeep after practice. Today coach worked us, especially me to get us ready for our upcoming and final game. With prom, graduation, testing, I've been working my ass off recently.

Kayden has even gotten annoyed with me because I haven't spent much time with him recently but he also understands that I take education very seriously.

"Deep breathes baby, it will be over soon." I hear the soothing voice from behind me as muscular arms wrap around my waist. I leaned back, letting all my weight on the wall behind me and close my eyes sighing.

He kissed the top of my forehead and I smiled. "Let me take you out tonight, it's a Friday night and you need a break from everything." I groaned and turned in his embrace to face him, tell him the same thing I've told him the past two weeks.

"Shh, I know what you're about to say but you need a break. You, Riley Kennedy Seager, are a beautiful, strong, incredibly smart girl who will do fantastic in her final game of baseball, ace her finals, and make it to prom." Kayden spoke caressing my cheek while holding me close.

I sighed and leaned my forehead on his chest, maybe I do need this. "You think?" I asked kind of quietly. I felt him hug me tighter and start to stroke my hair, "I don't think I know princess."

I loved and hated it when he called me princess, it gave me butterflies in my stomach while making me feel too girly. "What is your little head thinking about now?" He asked quietly.

I looked up, stood on my tiptoes and gave him a light peck on the lips. "Just how you calling me princess makes me feel." he smirked at that, "And how does it make you feel princess?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Well it gives me butterflies in my belly while making me feel way too girly at the same time." I admitted.

He smiled at me, "Well princess, now you know how I feel when I'm around you. Except I get a whole damn zoo with those butterflies." Then he kissed me passionately yet softly as if this was the last time but we all knew better than to assume that.

We were abruptly broken apart by a truck honking its horn. I hid behind Kayden and he turned his body in the direction of the truck, pissed off our moment was ruined.

"Get a room for that!" I heard Brantley call out which caused me to let out a small chuckle. I heard him drive off and Kayden turned around to face me, "Yeah, you should get a room for that." I said smirking.

He had an evil glint in his eyes after I said, "Oh don't worry princess. We will later, now be ready in an hour. Casual dress, and nothing to exposing - we don't want something to happen tonight do we?"

I smiled at his comment knowing fully well what he meant, so when I replied: "And these pants already don't make you wanna?" I knew exactly what I was doing.

I quickly jumped in my jeep and shut the door giggling as Kayden ripped the door open. "You are terrible Riley." He kissed me before closing the door and pointing to his wrist as he walked away. I have an hour to go home and get ready for whatever Kayden has planned for us tonight.

 I have an hour to go home and get ready for whatever Kayden has planned for us tonight

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