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[Chapter 9 - Pain]

- Riley -

I woke up with sore pain in my lower back. I groaned and rolled over in bed only to scream out in pain. 

My mom came rushing into my room, "Oh honey are you okay? What's wrong I heard yelling!" I looked at my mom and groaned in pain. I pointed to my lower back but even doing that hurt.

My mother moved closer and lifted my shirt up to look, she gasped and I gave her a 'what is it' look. "We are going to the doctor immediately, your whole lower back is bruised and swelled. What did you do?"

I groaned remembering last night, "I think I landed a quad wrong last night." I said half smiling, she gave me a look and walked out of the room. I slowly crawled out of bed and threw on a sports bra underneath my shirt. I decided not to change my clothes and just slip on some flip flops for the doctors.

The last time I was in this sort of pain in my back was because of him. I texted Whinnie, 

'Hey, are you in any pain?'

'Nope, I'm fine'

'Okay, good. I have to go to the doctors, I think I didn't land right and I took all the heat'

'Oh shit, are you okay'

'That's a really dumb question. But yes, I am in pain'

I ended the conversation there and slowly made my way downstairs. Walking the stairs hurt like a bitch but I managed. When I got to the kitchen I saw my mom bustling around to get things together. "On the counter is some ibuprofen and water, take it and get in the car. I will be out in a few minutes."

She bustled out of the kitchen and I took the pain medications, we only had the 200mg so I'm hoping it works or I'm put on something stronger because walking hurts. I made my way out to the car as did mom and we took off.

Once I was checked in and the nurse called me back, she helped me sit on the table bed. "Alright, so what happened?" She asked in a soft voice. 

"I went quad riding last night, someone cut me off so in order to not crash I had to detour and hit a jump wrong. So I obviously landed wrong, even though I tried to throw it in a proper position."

She nodded her head and typed some things down on her laptop. She then set it down and started to do the normal things such as blood pressure, checking my eyesight, ears, pulse, heartbeat, and breathing.

She left and the room fell silent. My mother's leg bouncing like it was on a trampoline. 

"You know they will just send me home with some anti-inflammatories and pain killers," I said with an all-knowing voice. She sighed, "Yes I know. But the last time this happened your ribs were broke from landing wrong. You really need to be careful!" 

I tensed, I forgot that's what I told her. I curtly nodded and looked down at my feet that I was now kicking randomly. After a couple of minutes, the doctor walked in.

"Hello there, I am Dr. Young. You must be Ms. Seager am I correct?" He asked facing me, I nodded and offered a smile. He sat in his rolly-spinny chair and rolled over to me, he asked me the same thing the nurse did and I told him the same answer.

"Alright, can I take a look at your back than?" He asked standing up and sanitizing his hands. I nodded and lifted my shirt so it was just below my bra. He went to my right side and looked at the bruise forming, he even put pressure in spots causing me to hiss in pain.

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