Search Party

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Kyung dragged Yoongi back through the entrance of the house and to the door in the located at the rear. The brunette threw the sliding wooden door to the side, a dull 'thunk' sounded as it went into the wall. They both walked in the pitch black room, nothing visible except for the small sections of floor that's being illuminated by the moonlight streaming in from a small window.

"Wait right here!" Kyung said, releasing the younger's wrist and took a few steps further into the darkness. "I'll go hit the light switch." Even if Yoongi had wanted to protest, which he didn't, he wouldn't be able to as the brunette just continued to walk until he was swallowed up by the shadows. He stood there in silence, only the occasional shuffle of Kyung's sneakers and his low muttering audible.

The younger, having nothing else better to do decided to do something he rarely does. Actually initiate a conversation with Kyung.

"Hey, hyung?"

A loud bang sounded, making the black haired boy jump in surprise, followed by a pained groan.

"Y-yeah, Yoongi? Dang, that hurt.." He hissed out.

Yoongi shifted his weight to his right side, hip jutting out with his left knee bent. "Why did you write that thing on the mirror?"

It was silent for a couple heartbeats, "What do you mean?" His voice curious as the shuffling proceeded to continue.

"Upstairs, in the bathroom." The younger crossed his arms and tilted his head back so he was staring at the dark ceiling, "That you found me during hide and seek."

"Hmm," the brunette hummed, "wasn't me."

Yoongi tilted his head back down, cocking his head to the side as he gazed into the inky blackness that housed Kyung. "What do you mean 'it wasn't me'? Who else could it have been?"

"Not sure," he could imagine the older's small shoulders shrugging, "not me though. Maybe Ki since he was there with you."


A cool breeze suddenly licked at his cheek, causing him to lift a pale hand to cup it. His fingers slightly trembled as the feeling lingered for a few seconds before vanishing. A sound, akin to soft boyish laughter, came right after.

Sorry, angel. I couldn't resist.

Yoongi froze, eyes going wide with his pupils dilate. "Kyung-hyung?"


"D-Did you hear that?"

"Hear wh-finally!" Light flooded the area, bathing it in a soft, dull yellow lighting. Kyung looked over at Yoongi, a bright grin on his face, "I found the light switch."

Dark orbs stared blankly at the brunette for stating the obvious, "No shit."

"Oh hush, brat." The brunette rubbed at his knees where he had bumped them on to dining table. He straightened up shortly after, back cracking softly from the movement. "So I get table and pantry and you get fridge and cabinets?"

Yoongi shrugged, shifting his weight once again, this time to the balls of his feet as he looked around. Next to the door, in the left hand corner sat a pitch black refrigerator that was devoid of anything except for a piece of paper in the middle of the fridge side that was being held up by a small magnet. Immediately to the right was a counter, complete with dark colored bottom cabinets. It went a couple feet before a gas stove could be found, the shine dull from all the years it has been sitting unused. The counter continued after and went to the corner to the room before turning and head along the back wall of the room. A sink was perched in the middle of the counter space, a steel color that contrasts with the overall dark theme of the room, but matching closely with the stove. The counter went until the middle of the back wall before ending at the sliding back door.

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