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They eventually found Seongri and Yijeong, the former hiding in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink and the latter in a space between the bookshelf and wall located in the living room. Kyung, of course, was ecstatic and cheered around saying that he's the best seeker to ever seek.

Yijeong rolled his eyes as he squeezed out of his hiding spot, "Yeah, right." His sharp hipbone hit against the corner of the wood, causing a hiss of pain to slip through his lips. "You only found us because of Yoongi-hyung and Kihyun."

Kyung gasped, hand coming up to clasp at his heart dramatically, "How could you say that?"

"Because Hyung found Seongri and Kihyun found me." He deadpanned, fingers rubbing at his hip to calm the pain. "You were sitting on the couch eating the snacks you brought along instead of searching."

The shortest shrugged, "What can I say? I got hungry." He pat his stomach happily, grinning full force.

"Hyung, y-you would have l-left me in there?!" Seongri squeaked from his spot next to Yijeong, his pupils blown wide and bottom lip trembling.

Kyung rushed over to the youngest boy in the room, stumbling a bit when the floor changed from hardwood to carpet, "Oh, no, no, no!" Tan hands cupped his face, thumbs swiping under his eyes to collect the few tears that threatened to fall, "Honey, I would never, ever do that to you! Hyung's sorry, okay?"


The brunette ruffled the soft dark blue locks that sat on top of his head, a gentle smile now on his lips, "Promise, sweet pea." Yijeong gagged in the background as Seongri giggled, his eyes still wet with tears, but his face no longer holding the sadness it once did. "Anyway," Kyung stepped back from the pair and clapped his hands, the sound echoing, bouncing off the mostly baron walls, "Yijeong, do you have your lighter?"

A thin black eyebrow raised, "Yeah, why?"

"Can I use it?" Kyung clasped his hand together, puppy eyes coming out in full display.

"Again, why?"

"Well," he walked over to the couch and kneeled down, "I found this." He slide his hand underneath the piece of furniture and dragged a cardboard box out, a slight scrapping noise following it movement again the wood floor.

Yijeong glanced at the picture on top of the box, "A fucking ouija board? Seriously?"

Kihyun moves closer to Yoongi, his hand quickly finding itself in the older boy's. Yoongi doesn't blame him. Of all things Kyung could think of doing in an abandoned house, this has to be the dumbest.

"Hyung," Seongri's soft, frightened voice washed over them all, "I'm sorry, but I refuse to participate. I've seen enough movies to know what'll happen."

Kihyun nodded his head in agreement, "Nothing against you, Kyung-hyung, but you can die alone." Yoongi had to cover his mouth to stop the laugh that threatened to come out, especially at his hyung's shocked face, mouth hanging wide open and pupils blown in shock.

Yijeong, on the other hand, let out a bark of laughter, "Damn, Kihyun." He threw an arm around the youngest of their group to stabilize himself. "Didn't know you had it in you."

"You guys," Kyung whined, a pout forming, "why are you so mean?"

"We're not being mean, we're being practical and not wanting to be slaughtered."

"I don't know," the shortest rested his index finger on his chin in thought, gaze flickering to the second oldest, "I bet Yoongi would look pretty in red." His face now expressionless, completely opposite of his outgoing personality. He doesn't think he's ever seen Kyung look so....cold, heartless.

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