Hide and Seek Part 1

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When Kyung stepped in, the front door slammed shut, shrouding the entrance and the rest of the room in darkness.

"Hey genius," Yijeong called out, his voice echoing, "you think the light situation out?"

Yoongi could Kyung muttering to himself before speaking louder, "Wait here!"

The door swung open once more, the light from the moon streaming in the entrance. They all saw the silhouette of their oldest friend running out into the yard, before it shut.

Everything was silent as they stood waiting for him to come back. He could hear Yijeong trying to comfort Seongri, whispering to him. Yoongi wasn't sure where Kihyun is since they let go of each other's hands right before they entered since only one person could fit through at a time. All of a sudden, a chill ran through him, goosebumps appearing on his arms and back of his neck.

"What the fuck?" He heard Yijeong say, "Is the heat on or some shit?"

He heard Kihyun answer, "It's an old house, of course the heat isn't on. There's no power."

"Don't know why I thought it was a good idea to wear a sweatshirt during the summer," he could hear the other mutter, "fucking dumbass."

Seongri's soft voice came soon after, "It's really hot in here."

Hot? Another shiver ran through his body as a cold breeze licked at the back of his neck, causing him to wrap his thin arms around himself. If this was hot then he must have to go to Hell to get warm.

The bang of the door being slammed opened caught all of there attentions.

"I'm back~"


"Hey! I heard that!"

"You were suppose to."

Kyung let out a dramatic gasp, "Jang Yijeong!"

Said boy rolled his eyes, "That's my name."

The oldest brunette complained under his breath about 'disrespectful brats' before the lights in the entrance flickered on. A bright smile appeared on Kyung's face. "I got the generator working!"

"Thank god," Seongri sighed out in relief, "hopefully there are fans in here."

Is it really that hot in here?

Yoongi took a quick glance at his friends. Yijeong had taken off his hoodie at some point, leaving him in a plain black sleeveless shirt. His beanie was also in his hand, his black hair ruffled slightly and curled at the ends. Kyung had the sleeves of his button down rolled up to his elbows, showing a hint of the tattoo he has on his left arm. Some of his hair was damp, clinging to his forehead, most likely from his time getting the generator on. Seongri was smart and had worn a short sleeved striped polo with a pair of shorts, but if him fanning himself was anything to go by, he was still overheating. Kihyun also had a short sleeve white shirt on, sweat causing it to cling to his body.

Yoongi, on the other hand, was shaking at this point. The cold air clang to every inch of his body as if he wasn't wearing anything. It was the type that seeps deep into your body, chilling to the bone.

"Fuck." He rubbed his arms, trying to get some type of warmth back to his numbing body.

"Ah, you okay there, hyung?" Yijeong questioned, eyeing the older male.

He slapped on a smile, "Yeah. Don't worry about me." His voice trembling slightly at the end.

He watched as Yoongi continued to rub his arms, "Do you want my hoodie?" Yijeong extended it out to him.

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