Chapter 8 - Unusual

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Jaden POV 🏴

"Hey, Jaden wake up" my dad cooed, I groan, "Five more minutes" I mumble out. "Son, you're in the hospital, Miles is out of surgery" my fathers deep voice rumbled out. My eyes burst open and I jolt up out of the waiting room chair, "He is?! Let me see him!" I said frantically. I tried to get up but my Miles' mother pushed me lightly back down, "Hey hun, he's still not awake. You don't want to see him, h-he's unrecognizable" she choked out, she breaks down as Mr. Ailor moves over and comforts her. I'm getting desperate, "I need to see my mate" I pleaded out, they all look at me solemnly before nodding.

After the receptionist told me the room number, I quickly sprint over there, "102, 102, 102 ah, there it is" I told myself I slowly open the door, Miles comes into view.

Or what's left of him.

He was wrapped head to toe in bandages, some areas were splotched shades of red and pink from the blood seeping through. His face was untouched by the gruesome events that plagued him earlier, he had wires and tubes going everywhere as well. His mouth, arms, legs, nose, everywhere!

"B-Bean" I cry out, I slowly walk towards him and held his hand softly. I knelt down beside him and kissed his cheek, "Please wake up" I begged, I was sobbing quietly when the doctor comes in. "Hello? Who might you be?" the woman asked, "I'm his mate" I deadpanned, her mouth forms into an 'O' shape. "Well, I'd just like to say that he's recovering excellently, in fact his body seems to be healing at a abnormal rate"

My heat tilts at the statement, why is his healing so fast. "Why is that doc?" I asked, she gives me a smile "Only shifters have healing this fast, big shifters" she explained. I'm dumbfounded, Miles? My little mate is a shifter?

"Are you sure it's not just because of genetics? Both of Miles' parents are shifters so maybe that's where he got his healing from" I rationalized, her face morphs into one of thought. "Hmmm, maybe you're right, It's very unlikely that someone of Miles size would have such a large shift anyway. I'll look more into it though, thanks for telling me" she gives me a wave before heading back out.

I look back at my precious mate, he was hurting and I couldn't save him in time. "I'm such a fucking failure, why couldn't I save you in time Bean" I croak out. I continued to hold his hand not looking at his face, I felt so guilty, he's so defenseless like a puppy and I couldn't even protect him from those rogues.
I started crying, "I love you Miles" I choked out.

"I-I love you t-too"

My head darts up to Miles who was giving me a sad smile. "Bean!" I criedout, "HES AWAKE!" I yell out. After a few minute the doctor comes rushing in the room with a clipboard in hand. "Miles! It's so good to see that you're finally awake!" she said cheerfully. "I'll be telling you you're injuries sweetheart, I'm sorry for what happened" she takes a breath, "15 fractures, 3 comminuted, 2 compound, 4 green stick, 3 oblique displaced, 2 transverse, and 1 linear. As for flesh wounds you have 23 lacerations ranging from small to large, and very damaged tissue at your abdomen. You have more injuries such as broken ribs, and detached muscle but we'll talk about that when your parents get here"

I thought she was done but she continued on with questions. "If you don't mind me asking, can you shift?" Miles face drains of color, "I-I, Why Are y-you a-asking?" He stuttered out. "It seems that you're healing at an astonishing rate, faster than some shifters actually, anyway I'd just like to know because at this rate you could be out of here in a month"

She's waves us a goodbye and exits the room, soon after people started flossing in the room. "Miles!" Madeline she sobbed out, she tried hugging him as best she could given his current condition. "I'm sorry I didn't protect you" she choked out.

"It's okay, I did it intentionally" we all look at him likes he's finally lost it, "Huh? Why?" I said glumly. "You were getting hurt by those rogues, I didn't want to see my mate hurt so I distracted them to protect you" he said despondently.

"Miles" I whisper out, I stroked his cheeks, "That was the dumbest most irresponsible thing you've ever done in your life, and I love you for that" his eyes widen and his face morphs into confusion. "I love you so much my Miles. I'm happy you protected me, but look at you, you're really hurt now. It was probably better if I was in this hospital bed, not you" I choked out.

He shakes his head, "I don't like seeing you hurt, if I died it wouldn't be that bad for everyone, I'm already a lost cause. But you, you have so much potential for success, I didn't want to take that from you" he whispered, he begins to cry quietly. "Miles you know that of you die Jaden dies as well right? You two are mates and if one of you dies, neither of you can live, right?" Ty explained. Miles' eyes widens and he starts crying even harder "Way to lighten the mood Ty" Brenden chided.

I ignored them and hugged Miles, it's not always about physical strength, because Miles is the strongest person in this room.

Because Miles' parents were here the doctor comes back a few minutes later. I couldn't even tell you half the things she listed out, injury after injury as our faces morphed into horror. She said that even with Miles' unnatural healing, it could still take him a month to fully recover, not the mention physical therapy, medication, and whole load of other stuff.


One by one everyone began to leave, right now it was just me and Miles "Aside from pain, how are you feeling Bean" I asked quietly. He gives me a silly grin "Pretty good, the pain medication they put me on is making me a bit loopy, but other than that I'm fine" A lone tear falls down my face. "Hey, don't cry Jaden" I shook my head in disagreement. "It's not that, it's just.. I almost lost you. A-and you're so hurt and fragile right now, I can't help but feel it's my fault for putting you in this situation"

"Well it's not. I chose to put myself in harms way, so stop crying" Miles said sternly. Truth be told I've actually stopped crying, but I'm getting a little 'Happy' if you know what I mean. I decided that I wanted to make Bean blush "You're so sexy when you're serious" I purred.


His cheeks tint into a inhuman shade of red as he whined at me. "I'm in the hospital right now and all you can think is that I'm sexy?" He ask bewildered. "Baby, you're sexy as hell at any given point" I teased. "Stooop!" He whined out, gosh he's so cute when he's embarrassed.

Out of nowhere his widened and he grabs my hand "Wait! You killed someone, what are they gonna do to you?" He croaked. "Nothing, killing a rogue isn't really that taboo" I explained, his mouth forms an 'o' shape and he nods. "Why? You're gonna miss me?" I teased, "Of course! I love you, I can't stand not being with you" he pouts and tries to cross his arms, but he winces and gives up. I felt my stomach do a flip, I always feel so happy when he says he loves me "I love you too Bean" I cooed.


It's done!

A filler once more, I hope it's not too boring

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Bai ❤️❤️❤️

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