Chapter 2 - Mate

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Miles POV 🏳

"Miles, Baby why are you crying?!" Jaden said worriedly.

"I-I can't give y-you kids, I'm sorry" I choked out. His eyes soften and he cups my face, I cut him off before he can say it, "Y-you can reject me if we find out we're mates, I'm sorry for not being able to give you those kittens you want" I cried out.

"Guys lets give them some privacy" I heard my sister whisper out, footsteps make there way out the door, leaving me and Jaden alone.

"I still love you" my eyes look at him, "R-really?!" I squeaked, he just nods and hugs me, "I don't care that you can't have kids, I don't love you any less because of it" he cooed, after the brief embrace he lets go and looks at me while stroking my cheek "Now let's meet them outside, the nurse gave you this slip excusing you for the day" I nod before he helps me down from the bed, and hands me the slip. I hate being short, as a guy whose 5'7 everyone is so much taller and it's not fair, the last person who use this was that one guy who's 7'1 ironically his shift is pigeon.


"Kyson!" I yelled across the hall, his back was facing me, as he turns to wave at me, all the color on his face drains as he freezes. "Miles, I hate to tell you this, but 6 of the most powerful carnivore shifters in school are right behind you" he whispered in my ear.

Kysons shift is a peacock, so that makes him an omnivore, but he's essentially one of the weakest in terms of power and deadliness so he hangs out with us herbivores.

"These are my new friends Kyson meet my sister Madeline, Jaden, Ty, Brenden, Singer and Raymund" I explained. His jaw drops, "T-they are y-your friends?" He stuttered out, I only nod but Madeline leans her lips into my ear "He's kinda cute, why haven't you told me about him!" She whispered out. I gag, if they're mates I'm gonna be ecstatic and disgusted at the same time.

Than out of nowhere I get shoved to the ground, I look up to see Pasco glaring at me, "Pathetic no shift" he spat, he was followed by his two henchmen Micheal and Ryan, they were twins and both had mountain lion shifts, Pasco on the other hand was a Garial shifter, it's basically a crocodile with a narrow snout meant for catching fish, he's actually a pretty weak carnivore. Everyone including Kyson gets in a defensive stance, circling around me to keep them from touching me. "Leave Pasco you're not wanted" Jaden spat, Pasco pretends to be offended and clutches his chest, "Oh my I never knew! You better watch out, especially you Miles. Out of nowhere you're friends with 6 of the deadliest and most powerful carnivore shifters in our town? Somethings up" he snapped out, "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Au revoir" he waves and walks away from us with his muscular henchmen not far behind.

"You think they Eiffel Tower when they fuck?" Singer comments, we all burst into laughter, but Singers just standing there his face dead serious. "So they do or they don't?"

Jaden turns to me as everyone else discussed Pasco's sex live with his bodyguards.

"Hey" Jaden calls me, "When do you wanna, head back to your place?" He asked, "Um, after I get my stuff from my lock, than we can go" he gives me a charming smile, wrapping his fingers around mine, "Lead the way" he tells everyone that he's gonna be taking me home and they tell us goodbye.

Opening my locker, the first thing I see is the 10s of photos I have of Jaden shirtless taped all over the walls, Shit I forgot. "I-Is that me?" He asked. "Yes" I whispered out, I could feel the rush of warmth hit my cheeks as I scolded myself mentally. "If you wanted to touch me you could've asked" he said, smirking at me while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

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