Prologue: Memories

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You have all but a few memories of your parents.

In the farthest reaches of your mind, you can just barely grasp onto an echo of when you were very young. You can see both of your parents smiling at each other, love so evident in their eyes that you can feel it from where you sat, watching them. They looked like they were a match made in heaven, which was all too true, as they were soulmates. 

Everyone has a soulmate, but only so many people are fortunate enough to meet their other half. Those who have been blessed enough to cross paths with their divinely-given partner describe the first encounter as a sudden stillness, then the sound of bells chiming somewhere off in some direction, with which you cannot hope to pinpoint. After that, there is a rush of emotions that hit you like a freight train and swallow you whole. Once the stillness comes to an end and the world finally resumes, you're both left with a mark that is permanently etched into the skin as a symbol of the heavenly event that had taken place. This mark is unique to each pair of soulmates.

You can remember the shape of your parent's mark. It was uncomplicated and lovely, which, by no coincidence, were the perfect words to describe the relationship of your parents. Black ink nestled itself snugly onto the inside of their left index fingers, forming a small spiral design.

You vividly remember the strong arms of your parents wrapping around your young cherubic body. They were hugging you, as they were about to depart for a mission that would take a few days. The one part of their job as professional heroes they seemed to dislike most was leaving you behind when their work demanded that it take precedence over their child. The hug lasted for several moments, and throughout, they whispered soft, little nothings into your ear to help calm your emotions. You were upset that they would away for so long. When they released you from their hold, your father grasped your shoulders, and looked into your eyes, promising to be back as soon as possible.

Unbeknownst to you, that would be the last time you would ever see your parents again.

The last memory you have regarding your parents is the devastation that followed at the announcement of their death. You remember the cold, icy fingers of sorrow climbing their way up to your body, starting at your toes and slowly wrapping around your entire body. This feeling sat with you for a long time, and you so dearly wished for it to disappear. Eventually, it did, and in its place was the dull, numb feeling of utter loneliness, and you weren't sure which was worse.

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