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                    7th of May 1995
             Derry, Northern Ireland

Sarah awoke with a grin. Today was her 'baby's' 16th birthday. Across the hall, was Orla's bedroom.
She crept across and opened the door, to reveal the messy bedroom. Clothes, strewn across the floor and hanging on the wardrobe door which was ajar. Even a bra had somehow become stuck on the light shade that hung from the ceiling.
Sarah dodged the mess and sat on the edge of the bed. Orla was snoring and she had slight drool at the corner of her mouth.
"Orly." She whispered. "Wake up, love." There was a delay before Orla began to stir.
"Wha?" Her eyes fluttered open and she yawned. "Hiya mammy."
"Happy birthday, my love!" Sarah hugged her daughter who was still in a hazy state. "I can't believe that's you 16 now!"
"I'm still younger than Erin."
"That's true! I just don't know where the time has gone! You're growing up far too fast!"
"I'll always be your baby."
"Of course!" Orla hugged her back, then kissed her cheek.
"I hear voices!" A cheerful Joe called out.
"Granda!" Orla beamed, upon seeing her grandfather standing in the doorway.
"Jesus, Orla, do you think you could stop getting so big?" He asked with a slight laugh. "Happy birthday, love!" Joe strolled over to the bed to hug his granddaughter.
"How are you, daddy?" Sarah asked, as her dad hugged her.
"Grand, aye, yourself?"
"Not bad. Not bad. I just can't believe I'm old enough to have a 16 year old!"
"How do you think I feel? I'm her granda!"
"Come on, let's see what's downstairs for you!"

Orla excitedly leapt from her bed and hurried down the stairs to the living room. On the floor there was a small pile of presents with cards at the side.
"Open the cards first, honey." Sarah said.
"Okay!" Orla tore through the cards. Some had money in them. All from friends of Sarah or family members.
The presents Orla recurved all sent her into a state of excitement. She got clothes, earrings, scrunchies and small bits of jewellery. From her grandfather she was given a silver pendant necklace. It had a small heart which was engraved with the words 'Happy 16th, love granda' on the back. Orla insisted on wearing it there and then. And from her mum - the one she saved until last - was a scrapbook Sarah had spent the last year attempting to put together. It was filled with photos from Orla's childhood, with friends and family. At the back, Sarah had gotten people to sign it and write wee messages for her.
"I'm sorry it's nothing more special. You know I'm not a good artist."
"Are you kidding? I love it, mammy!" Orla threw herself into her mum's arms. "Thank you so much!"
"No problem my love." Sarah planted a kiss on her head.

Breakfast happened next door as always. Mary had served up birthday pancakes. What made them special? They had chocolate chips in it and a candle was stuck in the top. Orla had fun being showered with love and affection from her family - not that she never received it, it was just amplified today. From her aunt, uncle and cousins, Orla was gifted a lovely black jumpsuit with black sparkles across the top half. And a pair of small silver hoops to go with it.
Erin surprised her by giving her a photo frame, filled with multiple photos of the two of them over the years.
"Ach, Erin!" Orla gasped. "I love this so much! Thank you!"
"No problem!" Erin giggled, giving her 'big' little cousin a tight hug.

The cousins were soon rushed off to get ready for school, and were then being kicked out the house in a loving way, by Mary, who warned them about missing their bus... again.
"Happy britday Orla!" Clare smiled as the three met at the corner of the estate.
"Thank you!" They hugged.
"You'll get your present tomorrow."
"I can't wait!"
"How's your day been so far?" The small blonde asked.
"Amazing! Mammy made me a scrapbook! It's cracker!"
"Awh, that sounds lovely!" Clare beamed, genuinely interested.
"I'll show you tomorrow night!"
"I'd love that! How are you, Erin?" Clare asked, noticing her other friend keeping very quiet.
"I'm grand. I suppose."
"You suppose?"
"Well, I've been trying to tell David to come to the party tomorrow night."
"David again?" Clare moaned. "I thought you were done with him?"
"So did I! Because it was John-Paul last month. I don't know why I ever forgave him for standing me up."
"What about James? I thought you liked him?" Orla puzzled.
"You like James?!" Clare gawked.
"Well.. kind of. I don't really know where we stand."
"He took you to the prom."
"He did indeed, Clare. I will give you that. I just think... he's a bit..."
"What?" Clare furrowed her brows.
"Hey!" Orla turned around and gave Erin a whack on the arm.
"Ow! Jesus, Orla!"
"Leave him alone! He's so sweet!"
"I guess he is a bit nerdy." Clare agreed. Orla was about to take a swing at Clare, and she saw this so she quickly added, "But he's lovely! A very nice fella."
"James never did anything wrong."
"You liked him over Mae!" Erin protested.
"Not anymore." Orla sighed.
"And you prefer Take That."
"Who doesn't."
"All I'm saying is, you've not been the kindest to him either. He's not your favourite human." Erin shrugged.
"I don't hate him."
"Neither do I!"

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