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Elsie was stunned. "You lied to me!"
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did! All those years ago, I asked you if you had another baby!"
"No you didn't! You joked about it!"
"How many more kids do you have?"
"None! I swear!"
"Why don't I believe you?"
"I promise."
There was a long pause. Elsie didn't know what to believe, her heart or her gut.
However, a phone call broke the piercing silence. It was a call from Derry. Liam's uncle.

"Liam, it's me, uncle Seamus." He was very tearful.
"Hi, are you alright?"
"No, son. Your aunt, she passed away this morning." Time stopped for him.

After getting Elsie pregnant, Liam's aunt Rita cared for him more than his own mother. She took him in and cared for him when he needed his parents most.

"Who was that?" Elsie asked as the phone call ended. Liam stood, empty.
"My uncle. My aunt passed away."
"Oh. Im sorry." Elsie sighed. She truthfully felt hurt for him, but it was still overshadowed by the fact he had just lied to her.
"I need to go to Derry. He said the funeral is next week." A knot tied in Elsie's stomach.
"Derry? Where the affair happened?"
"We weren't together when it happened." He said. "But yes."
After arriving in Derry, he headed for Sarah's house. He promised Elsie he wouldn't go but of course he lied.

"Hi Sarah."
"Liam, what are you doing here?"
"My aunt passed away. But I'd love to see Orla."
"No, I'm sorry you can't."
"Why not?"
"Because she's not ready to meet you." As soon as Sarah said that, the bouncy 16 year old, with even bouncier curls came leaping up to the front door.
"Hi!" Orla grinned. Liam's stomach tied in a knot. He knew it was her without anyone telling. She looked like Sarah but she had his nose.
"Orla go away."
"I'm Orla! But mammy just said that! Who are you?"
"Orla not now." But Orla ignored her and stayed.
"Don't do it." Sarah warned.
"-your dad." Orla's smile dropped. "Can I come in?"
"No you cannot." Sarah said. "It's Orla's birthday party and I don't want anyone to ruin it, you especially."
"Please mammy?" Orla begged. "I want my daddy."
"Please Sarah?"
There was a pause while Sarah thought. "Five minutes, but that's it."

Liam walked into the house, to be greeted with smiling faces which quickly dropped to confusion and anger. Confusion from the teenagers as to who this man could possibly be and anger from the adults as they knew exactly who he was. A rage took over Joe.
"You! I thought I told you to never come back here!"
"Daddy stop. Orla wants him here." Sarah put a hand on Joe to stop him attacking.
"Please granda. It's okay." Orla hugged Joe, which calmed him down.
"You do one wrong move, so much as look at them weird, you're out."
"Yes sir." Everyone went back to their conversations.

"Who's that?" Michelle, one of Orla's friends asked.
"This is my dad!" Orla had a hold of Liam's hand as she introduced him to the girls and James.
That's all he ever wanted to hear from Orla. That he is her dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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