11 | back aches are wingpeople

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About three hours ago, the boys had finally adapted to their surroundings. They'd looked at the stars, laying on a thin blanket. Obviously feeling the need to disrupt the perfect silence, Albus pointed to the starts above them. "Those five stars look like they're flipping us off."

Scorpius snorted.

Now, at one in the morning, Albus had curled up on the blanket spread across the Astronomy Tower's floor. His head was buried into his arms, as he lay on his stomach, his hood looming over his hairline. His eyes were closed lightly, and he had fallen into a deep sleep as Scorpius gazed at the stars above them.

Scorpius must've finally realized that he'd seen each star about ten times before finally glancing over at Albus. He suppressed a laugh, surprised to see Albus asleep. He knew that Albus wouldn't appreciate it if Scorpius let him sleep on the cold floor of the Tower, (the blanket didn't help
much) so Scorpius lightly shook him.

Albus mumbled, but didn't open his eyes.

Scorpius shook a little harder, grabbing Albus' arm for more force this time. He saw Albus blink, and he lifted his head from his arms. "Go away."

Scorpius chuckled. He pulled on one of Albus' arms before his face could crush it again. Albus groaned, but managed to sit up and rub his eyes. His hood fell at his shoulders, revealing his disheveled hair.

"No," Albus immediately muttered. He yawned, and abruptly leaned against Scorpius as he opened his eyes. "let me sleep."

Scorpius looked down at Albus, which was something he'd grown fond of doing. Albus shook his head, looked around, and closed his eyes again. "Do you know where you are, man? We need to get you back to the dorms, okay?"

"That's where I am."

"No, bud, you're not."

"Oh," Albus yawned. "Well, that's nice."

Scorpius let out a deep breath. "Come on, you have to sleep in your actual bed, bud."

Albus grunted. "'No. Tired. Let me sleep here."

"But it's cold," Scorpius retorted. "And we'll get caught in the morning."

Albus didn't reply. Thats when Scorpius realized that Albus had fallen asleep yet again, but more inconveniently this time. His back was still slumped against Scorpius' shoulder. Scorpius had been holding himself up with his palm to the ground, but now that he had to hold Albus up as well, his hand was starting to give in.

Scorpius sighed, tracing one arm around Albus' waist, the other to his own side. He started to slowly lay down on the thin blanket, now unable to sit up without aching. Then Scorpius stopped. Albus had shifted, now laying on Scorpius' chest.

Motherfucker, seriously?

Scorpius felt his back's pain worsen, and Albus' weight was slowly bringing him down. Without thinking, Scorpius hesitantly wrapped both of his arms around Albus before they both fell to the floor, now sitting halfway-up without any support. Scorpius realized that Albus would be lying right on top of him if Scorpius decided to lay down.

His tailbone aching terribly now. He stared at Albus, who hummed quietly in his sleep. He envied that, at the moment.

Scorpius took a sharp breath in as quietly as he could, and fell back onto the blanket, dragging Albus with him. Albus fell onto Scorpius' chest as soon as Scorpius' back hit the blanket. Scorpius let out a breath of relief, happy that his back didn't feel like it was being stepped on anymore.

Albus was strangely positioned— his head on Scorpius' chest, but the rest of his body was angled so that it touched the floor. Scorpius had to laugh, he looked like a deformed human.

Though, his laugh was cut short. Scorpius had just realized what he'd done, and his breath hitched. Albus was asleep on him. Scorpius wasn't used to feeling. . . however he was feeling around Albus. He didn't know if he liked it.

It wasn't the most comfortable feeling, but at least Scorpius' back felt better. And hopefully, Albus was sleeping contently.

Albus' head fell just under Scorpius' neck, and Scorpius didn't notice the strange height difference until now, when Albus was laying on him. Albus' tangled hair was spread all across the front of Scorpius' shirt, still managing to look soft, thought it had been incredibly messy. Scorpius laced his fingers through Albus' short, ravelled strands, successfully getting rid of a few knots.

He felt better now, feeling how smooth Albus' hair was.

Scorpius smiled in a sort-of awestruck way. He couldn't look down at Albus completely to share his smile, so he positioned his arms around Albus' chest instead, both arms looping around the sleeping boy. He figured that was a similar gesture to smiling.

He started to whisper, though he knew that Albus wouldn't hear him. "Goodnight, Al—"

Then, Albus did something that would've made anybody's breath hitch. In fact, it made Scorpius' do so. . . again.

Albus placed his hands, which were glued to his side before, on top of Scorpius' arms. His right hand lightly squeezed Scorpius' arm, which now felt like jelly but still stayed wrapped around Albus. Albus' gesture seemed to be his way of smiling, just like Scorpius' had been.

Scorpius reminded himself to give
Albus a proper smile in the morning, hoping he'd get one back.

Scorpius tried to close his eyes, but he felt too. . . excited? He felt like he had when he was younger, going to bed the night before his birthday. Scorpius didn't know what was keeping him awake this time, though. He never stayed up this late.

But he felt like he could stay awake for hours. He felt like he could stay awake for days. Hell, he felt like he could flip a car, run a marathon and still not sleep for a long period of time.

But why did he feel this way?

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