02 | smiling hearts

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Albus had left the Quidditch Pitch about halfway through the game, terribly bored. He had no idea who won. He didn't care- Quidditch was the least of his priorities.

Now, he sat on the foot of his bed, waiting for Scorpius to come back from the event. Albus' legs crossed over each other, and he absentmindedly bounced his knees as he waited.


scorpius: We won!

albus: figured

albus: quidditch seems boring

scorpius: It isn't, you just don't know how to play😪

albus: teach me then

scorpius: yK whAt-

scorpius: Alright. After dinner, wait for Slughorn to see us to our dorms and then walk out with me when he's gone.

albus: k
read, 6:25 pm


If Albus' heart could smile, it would've after reading Scorpius' text. Albus couldn't believe that Scorpius would be spending his night teaching him how to play Quidditch- a sport he was barely interested in anyway.

Albus watched the door eagerly, waiting for Scorpius to come through it at any moment. He watched as other Slytherins set out of the dorm with their own friends, making Albus more excited to see his.

And finally, after boring, silent moments, Albus' phone lit up for the second time.


scorpius: Can you stall for me?

albus: why?

scorpius: Rose asked me to stay behind, and I want to know what it's about.

albus: so if sluggy asks where you are-?

scorpius: Say I'm in the bathroom with diarrhea or something.

albus: is that the best you could come up with

scorpius: Well, do you have a beTTER IDEA

albus: guess you're having diarrhea bro

scorpius: Thanks. I won't be any more than 10 minutes

scorpius: Don't wait up for me though

scorpius: Just go to dinner without me

albus: dinner doesn't start for another 20mins tho, you should be back by then
read, 6:40 pm


Albus grimaced slightly, trying not to show his annoyance. It was typical of Scorpius to blow him off once in a while, sure, but it never had to do with Rose. Albus was never worried about how Scorpius felt towards her, because he knew that the feelings weren't mutual.

Unfortunately, he was having second thoughts now. Albus sighed, and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

Before he realized what he was doing, Albus had sent a new text message.


albus: weasley

rose: Granger-Weasley, idiot.

rose: What do you want?

albus: we all know you like scorpius ;);)

rose: We?

albus: me and my different personalities😙🖐🏻

rose: Surprised your brain figured that out.

rose: Even though I don't like him

albus: yes you do wym

rose: I honestly don't.

rose: Shut up.

albus: then why're you meeting w/ him?🤡

rose: Because I wanted to see if he was brave enough to come or not.

albus: buLLSHIT

albus: but still, he is.

albus: he's coming

rose: Is he?

rose: Wait, I see him

rose: Talk later?

albus: nope
delivered, 6:44 pm


Albus considered himself a very good liar. All these years of knowing Scorpius, and Albus had even lied to himself about his feelings towards Scorpius. Now, he was lying to Rose, too.

He tried to make his messages and questions to Rose as careless as possible, and thought he succeeded. He re-read them just to make sure.

All Albus had to do now was wait. For what exactly, he didn't know. Wait for the truth? For Scorpius to come back? For Rose to complain about him more?

Albus was conflicted, but only one thing was stopping him from flopping on his bed exasperatedly and calling it day- his Quidditch practice with Scorpius.

Yes, he looked forward to that.

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