9 | what's good?

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> saturday, 12:02 am

scorpius: heLLOODIEHEH

scorpius: Reading has me fuckED uP

albus: r u still at the library😪

scorpius: Yeah, but I only have like 1 more book to finish for Astronomy

albus: ur being so productive

albus: it's sort of gross

scorpius: Thanks

scorpius: So, are *you* going to do anything productive?

albus: is crying considered productive😔✌🏻✨🔪


albus: okay dw, i was kissing

scorpius: Who?

scorpius: What-

scorpius: Lol when did this happen?

albus: *kiDDING

scorpius: Oh okay, good

albus: what's good?

scorpius: Nothing really, you?

delivered, 12:04 am


Albus rolled his eyes and looked away from his phone before Scorpius could respond. He didn't know what Scorpius would reply with, and it was already stressing him out.

What did he mean by 'good'?

Albus was obviously over-thinking, but it was the only thing he'd been doing since he met Scorpius— it was sort of normal for him to do so now.

Suddenly, snapping Albus out of his trance, a ding sounded. Albus realized that the source of the noise came from his phone, and the screen lit up. He looked down, and as he'd secretly hoped, he received a new message from Scorpius.


scorpius: oH


Not too exciting, but still, in spite of himself, Albus' heart leaped.
Recently, his crush on Scorpius had become very evident — hopefully only to himself — and he knew there was no point in lying to himself, at the least.

He liked Scorpius.

And he was going to see him soon.

Albus pocketed his phone, and tried to sit comfortably on his dorm bed. He glanced around, and noticed that only about half of the Slytherins that were supposed to be in his dorm were actually present. He scoffed, which came out like a strangled laugh, and he smiled at the sight of actual happy-looking Slytherins.

A tall Slytherin girl smiled back, her thick red hair falling over her shoulders. One side of her head was shaved completely, and from the angle Albus was staring from, she almost looked bald. She wasn't wearing her robes, and the only uniform-clothing she had been wearing didn't even have her house embedded on it. Instead, it had Ravenclaw, and an eagle was sewn in the top corner. She was sitting on her bed, her legs stretched out like an eagle's wings. A sketchpad lay on her knees, with a pen placed on a blank page. Her pen rolled from side to side as she wiggled her legs in amusement, watching the pen move. Albus made a note in his mind to remember to speak to her later; she seemed interesting, but occupied with her sketching at the moment.

Albus turned away, finally, and crossed his arms. His legs followed suit, and he sat up against the backboard of his bed, huffing subconsciously. Albus stared at the dorm's door as if he were expecting to move it with his mind. He squinted his eyes without noticing that he was doing it himself, and to others, it must've looked like he had some previous bad encounters with the door.

How long does it take for someone to come back from the library? Albus thought, already growing impatient.

Albus heard muffled giggles and soft chatter from all around him, and it only made him more anxious to see Scorpius.

He decided to wait in the common room, as if it would speed up the process of Scorpius' return.

Getting up quickly, Albus was about to leave the dorm as everybody's voices grew louder and the laughter resonated.

Albus couldn't even make it down the second step before he had to catch himself from tripping.

"Woah, shit, slow down." Scorpius appeared suddenly, cautioning with a slight tease in his voice. His hands gripped Albus' shoulders as he held him up. Scorpius smiled from just a few steps below Albus.

Wow. Such luck.

Albus stepped back, laughing nervously, and let Scorpius walk up the remaining stair steps. Albus didn't realize that he was staring until Scorpius met his eyes.

"How was studying?" Albus asked, although it seemed like a stupid question. He looked away from Scorpius.

"It was great, but it would've been better if I did something other than read." Scorpius laughed dryly but kept his eyes fixated on Albus. It was like he wanted Albus to look back at him. "And if you were there."

Scorpius moved across the dorm immediately and threw himself onto his bed once he came near it. He scrambled into a comfortable position, with his chin resting in his palm, his elbow pinned to the bed to keep himself up. He lay on his side, watching Albus.

Albus grinned at the sight, and he couldn't help but replay what Scorpius had just finished saying.

"Missed you," Albus said quietly.

He looked down at his feet, like he always did when he was around Scorpius. Scorpius immediately raised a brow. Scorpius' chin hit his mattress— he was trying to run a hand through his hair without making it awkward.

It was.

"Missed you, too," Scorpius managed. His voice sounded playful and calm. Albus didn't understand how he could sound so relaxed.

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