Sokka X Gyawa

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Part One (awaking)

"Twinkle Sparks, that's gotta be you." Toph smiled, I slowly walked up the deck like a old lady.

"Gyawa, you're awake!" Sokka gasped, running up in Fire Nation armor.

"Sokka?" I smirked, still hard to believe.

"Ahh, I'm so glad you're awake." He sounded like he had a huge smile on and gave me a tight hug.

"Gyawa!" Aang also gasped, running up and hugged me like a soft stuffed pillow.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, with a tired voice and a slight smile.

"I can't believe it, Your finally awake." Katara said, as she hugged me.

And yet for some reason I began to feel dizzy, like I was looking in every direction. "Uh oh, somebody catch her I think she gonna-" Toph said, before my eyes closed and everything turned black.


"And the best part is, the eclipse isn't even our best advantage. We have a secret... you." Sokka leaned over and whispered.

"Me?" I asked pointing to myself.

"Yep. The whole world thinks you're dead. isn't that great?!" Sokka squealed shaking my shoulders.

I just pushed his hands away and sat back down not saying a word. I was getting tried of acting the part. I already knew everything and yet had to play the roll.

"I know this is so messed up!" Aang yelled putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No it's great! It means the Fire Nation won't be hunting us anymore. And even better they won't be expecting you on the day of black sun." Sokka tried to explain to Aang who had his mind set.

"Um okay if you say so. I don't mean to sound lazy but I need to lay down." I softly stated as I slowly got up. As I was walking away I turned around to see a Fire Nation ship approaching.

"We'll handle this, Gyawa." Aang reassured making me want to go back to my bed even more.

I then stopped at the hallway entrance I was too far to hear anything. Sokka followed me, we peeked out the door.

"So, Gyawa, we finally have some alone time." Sokka smirked, very mischievously.

"Seriously? They're in the middle of a fight right now." I smiled, wanting to laugh but the soreness would come out.

"Even better. No one will notice us." Sokka walked closer and is it just me or did he look hotter in a Fire Nation uniform?

I seriously wanted to laugh as Sokka placed a hand on my waist, but it immediately made me tense from the pain. "Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to—"

"Yeah, yeah, just get out there boomerang." I smiled, keeping to my old lady position.

"We still got a few more—" Sokka was about to say but I immediately put a finger on his lips.

"Don't even think about saying something cliche." I snarled, letting go of his mouth.

He held a smirk before attacking my lips with his, and resting a hand above me on the wall. What were we? In a high school cliche??!?

He slightly let go still with a cocky smirk. "I was so worried after Ba S—"

"Yeah, yeah, get out there lover boy." I said with a fake eye roll.

He smiled and ran out.

"How we doing?" Toph asked as I slowly walked out.

"Things couldn't get much worst." Sokka replied to the blind awesome girl. Just then the giant sea monster popped up and hissed at us.

Legend of Gyawa: Book Three - Fire ✔️Where stories live. Discover now