Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 ━━ Beating The Devil

Chapter 19 ━━ Beating The Devil

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Lorna walks into Bonnie's house to see her watching twilight eating popcorn.

"Where were you?" She asks the blonde as she pops herself next to Bonnie on the couch.

"Your surprise birthday party." Lorna says.

"You guys arranged a surprise birthday party for me?" Bonnie beams.

"Yeah, and it is all gone because of Kai." The blonde says stealing popcorn from her.


"Long story for another time." Lorna shrugs as the response when her phone starts to ring. She answers the call without bothering to see who it is. "Hello?" 

"Hey, Teensy favour." She recognizes his voice.

"What is it?" She asks.

"When Kai merged with Luke, he went through a... metamorphosis. He went from a sociopathic caterpillar to a slightly less evil butterfly."

Lorna rolls her eyes. "Yeah, and anyone who believes that is an idiot." Her voice sounds serious. "Please don't ever repeat that name to me again, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Heh." Damon's voice sounds guilty.

"What's the favour?" She asks.

He sighs for a second. "My house is fully destroyed and I want to take Elena out for a date. Mind you, come and help my baby bro?" Damon asks from the other line.

"Yeah. Sure." Lorna says and hangs up.

"Leaving again?" Bonnie asks, watching her cousin moving.

"Just signed me up for a cleaning job." The blonde smiles before jogging back to Salvatore boarding house.

When she walks into the boarding house, she sees everything is cleaned and arranged as before. The house is fully decorated once again and fully ready for the birthday party.

Lorna sees Damon, who's standing in the living room chugging a bourbon glass. "You cleaned it?"

"Yeah." He nods and then he looks guilty. But determined. "And sorry for lying to you."

"Huh?" She looks at him confusedly.

"Don't freak out, but, um..." He clears his throat uncomfortably.

She hears someone closing the door, making her turn expecting something. All she sees is Kai Parker standing with a concerned face. 

"Hi." He walks and joins them, making her immediately alarmed.

She looks back at Damon. "What the hell is he doing here?" 

Damon ignores her question and turns to Kai in annoyance. "Just get this over with."

"Um..." Kai trails off.

Damon impatiently yells. "Spit it out!"

"Um...I say sorry for anything I hurt you." Kai apologises.

Lorna stares at him without an emotion.

"Lorna, did you hear what I said?" He steps towards her and with that unexpectedly, he kisses her.

Even though she wants to kiss him back, she pushes him off her, but he doesn't let her go.

"Hey, back off, man. You said it was just an apology." Damon says, pulling Kai away from her finally.

"Say something." Kai searches for an emotion from the blonde. "Please."

"If I see your face again, I will melt it off." Lorna says coldly, before glaring at him threateningly and then stalking past the both of them, angrily using her magic to open the door, before she stomps out of the house. What the actual fuck? Why did Damon help that moron? 

"Hey, wait." Lorna hears Kai's voice behind her. Why can't he get the hint and leave her alone? She jog down the path to the woods and walk deeper as he follows her. Poor creature. He doesn't know what he's getting into.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Kai blurs out as he catches her speed.

Yes, she knows. He's going to get himself killed by her hands.

She ignores him and continues to walk further.

"Because my guilt keeps me up at night." Kai says as she continues to ignore him. He sighs. "I don't-I don't expect you to believe me. But I need you to give me one more chance."

She slows down herself but keeps walking.

Kai becomes so frustrated, roughly grabs her wrists and shakes her. "Lorna! LISTEN TO ME!"

Lorna grimaces in pain and looks up at him, fearful and angry and also not surprised by this reaction. 

Kai looks as though he can't believe what he just did and quickly lets go of her. He looks guilty. "Sorry, I- Oh my God, I didn't-I didn't mean to do that-"

"-But you did it anyway. Because even if you're telling the truth, the old you is still inside of you." She cuts him off, giving him a dead glare. She walks past him, and Kai sighs, before following after her again.

"If you don't think I'm capable of change, Why bring me out into the middle of nowhere?" 

She stops at her tracks but doesn't turn around to face him.

"I could get you all over again. Your friends would never even hear you scream." Kai adds.

Lorna sighs and finally turns to face him. "Because maybe you're right. Maybe, deep down, there's a part of me that believes there's a sliver of good in you."

Kai seems to be revealed and laughs. "And, you'd be right!" He continues to laugh and walks past her. "I'm so happy that you finally see the truth."

She giggles.

"Can we kiss again? I really couldn't kiss you back properly last time." She requests.

He laughs and nods happily. "You don't need to ask. I miss you so much." 

She walks to him and connects their lips together and he kisses back without thinking twice. 

Kai gasps all of a sudden as he's stabbed in the abdomen with her hand knife. He falls on the ground, gasping in pain, trying to crawl away from her. But she just grabs him and stabs him again in his hamstring. He yells in pain. "Lorna!"

She flips him over and straddles him, so he can't move, and for once, Kai looks truly afraid of me.

"What are you doing?" He pants.

"Gaining your trust, and then stabbing you in the back? Feels pretty sucky, doesn't it?" She asks him.

"Please, don't." Kai pleads.

"Don't what?" She asks him angrily. She completely loses her temper and shouts at the top of her lungs. "Tell me, Kai!"

Kai looks terrified. "Please, please, believe me! I've changed!"

She holds the knife up above him and grits her teeth. "I know. I know. So have I."

"Please, don't hurt me." He pleads, looking distraught. 

"I'm repeating to you. Do not show your face to me again." Lorna spits at him before placing her hand knife in her boots and smirks at Kai, who is watching her with his absolutely stunned face. She starts to walk away feeling proud of herself for beating the crap out of him. She turns to look back at Kai who is in complete horror on the ground, half-laughing and half-crying at his current predicament.

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